

Area Under the ROC Curve achieved by the landmarker weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes -E "weka.attributeSelection.CfsSubsetEval -P 1 -E 1" -S "weka.attributeSelection.BestFirst -D 1 -N 5" -W

Value per dataset

triazines (1)
anneal (8) 0.90677425709709
anneal (4) 0.90677425709709
anneal (2) 0.90677425709709
XOR (1)
Weather (1) 0.34444444444444
web_questionsQA (1)
anneal (6) 0.90677425709709
anneal (7) 0.90677425709709
Weather (2) 0.34444444444444
TEST9e3886e694-XOR (1)
iris (2) 0.95653333333333
anneal (12) 0.90677425709709
anneal (14) 0.94252980556509
TESTc7ba0dcb5a-XOR (1)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
test (6) 0.95653333333333
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (1)
anneal (13) 0.90677425709709
TESTb633b550cf-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
test (4) 0.95653333333333
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
test (3) 0.95653333333333
test (1) 0.95653333333333
test (2) 0.95653333333333
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
anneal (9) 0.99434156378601
TESTaf99b42041-ModifiedWeather (1)
XOR (2)
test (9) 0.95653333333333
anneal (17) 0.90677425709709
test (7) 0.95653333333333
TESTe216022baf-UploadTestWithURL (1)
iris-challenge (1) 0.91137585255232
TEST8facacd8dc-UploadTestWithURL (1)
test (10) 0.95653333333333
test (14) 0.95653333333333
test (5) 0.95653333333333
test (13) 0.95653333333333
test (12) 0.95653333333333
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.2
anneal (3) 0.81212304454876
anneal (23) 0.90677425709709
TEST0ea351d931-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (24) 0.90677425709709
anneal (18) 0.90677425709709
test (11) 0.95653333333333
test (8) 0.95653333333333
anneal (26) 0.90677425709709
anneal (27) 0.90677425709709
anneal (39) 0.90677425709709
anneal (43) 0.90677425709709
anneal (63) 0.90677425709709
test (16) 0.95653333333333
TEST840571e677-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (58) 0.90677425709709
Weather (6) 0.34444444444444
anneal (62) 0.90677425709709
anneal (30) 0.90677425709709
test (24) 0.95653333333333
test (20) 0.95653333333333
anneal (66) 0.99434156378601
anneal (34) 0.81212304454876
anneal (38) 0.90677425709709
anneal (41) 0.90677425709709
Weather (3) 0.34444444444444
XOR (4)
Weather (4) 0.34444444444444
Weather (8) 0.34444444444444
test (19) 0.95653333333333
test (21) 0.95653333333333
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (3)
XOR (3)
anneal (48) 0.90677425709709
XOR (6)
test (27) 0.95653333333333
XOR (5)
spambase (1) 0.93973146278947
anneal (49) 0.90677425709709
test (33) 0.95653333333333
anneal (32) 0.90677425709709
anneal (45) 0.90677425709709
anneal (16) 0.90677425709709
anneal (57) 0.90677425709709
Weather (5) 0.57063492063492
test (26) 0.95653333333333
XOR (7)
test (36) 0.95653333333333
test (23) 0.95653333333333
anneal (59) 0.90677425709709
test (28) 0.95653333333333
anneal (42) 0.90677425709709
anneal (33) 0.90677425709709
test (15) 0.95653333333333
anneal (37) 0.99434156378601
anneal (53) 0.90677425709709
anneal (25) 0.90677425709709
anneal (56) 0.99434156378601
test (39) 0.95653333333333
TEST2fe1e97c97-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
test (35) 0.95653333333333
test (29) 0.95653333333333
test (31) 0.95653333333333
anneal (52) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (4)
anneal (54) 0.90677425709709
Weather (7) 0.34444444444444
test (22) 0.95653333333333
test (38) 0.95653333333333
test (32) 0.95653333333333
test (18) 0.95653333333333
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (2)
vineyard (1)
anneal (31) 0.90677425709709
Weather (9) 0.34444444444444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (5)
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (74) 0.81212304454876
Weather (11) 0.34444444444444
anneal (61) 0.90677425709709
test (17) 0.95653333333333
TEST22dd0ebd9b-ModifiedWeather (1)
anneal (36) 0.90677425709709
test (43) 0.95653333333333
XOR (9)
anneal (89) 0.90677425709709
TESTee7d03de92-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (77) 0.90677425709709
anneal (84) 0.90677425709709
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
XOR (10)
autoPrice (1)
quake (1)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (95) 0.81212304454876
anneal (80) 0.90677425709709
test (40) 0.95653333333333
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST398fcda80b-ModifiedWeather (1)
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.2
Weather (10) 0.34444444444444
test (41) 0.95653333333333
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
test (49) 0.95653333333333
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (6)
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST5705382a07-UploadTestWithURL (1)
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (14)
XOR (11)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
anneal (83) 0.90677425709709
TEST2fb3e3c09b-XOR (1)
anneal (101) 0.90677425709709
anneal (92) 0.90677425709709
anneal (75) 0.90677425709709
XOR (8)
Weather (14) 0.34444444444444
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.2
test (42) 0.95653333333333
test (30) 0.95653333333333
XOR (13)
anneal (103) 0.90677425709709
Weather (12) 0.34444444444444
anneal (90) 0.90677425709709
anneal (73) 0.90677425709709
anneal (88) 0.99434156378601
TESTe2a3b91028-ModifiedWeather (1)
TESTf7444a8ea4-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.2
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.2
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
test (47) 0.95653333333333
test (50) 0.95653333333333
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (98) 0.81212304454876
test (37) 0.95653333333333
anneal (86) 0.99434156378601
anneal (105) 0.99434156378601
anneal (87) 0.90677425709709
anneal (99) 0.90677425709709
test (44) 0.95653333333333
TESTcf74ef9481-XOR (1)
XOR (12)
test (51) 0.95653333333333
anneal (91) 0.94252980556509
test (46) 0.95653333333333
test (45) 0.95653333333333
test (52) 0.95653333333333
anneal (44) 0.90677425709709
anneal (79) 0.90677425709709
anneal (28) 0.90677425709709
test (48) 0.95653333333333
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TESTdcaa77be46-XOR (1)
TEST8eecdebbd6-XOR (1)
anneal (102) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (7)
anneal (97) 0.90677425709709
TEST2302efba1e-XOR (1)
anneal (72) 0.99578738663151
test (34) 0.95653333333333
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
Weather (13) 0.34444444444444
TESTc09922bc0f-XOR (1)
test (25) 0.95653333333333
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
anneal (11) 0.90677425709709
anneal (106) 0.81212304454876
anneal (115) 0.99434156378601
XOR (18)
anneal (116) 0.94252980556509
anneal (113) 0.90677425709709
anneal (107) 0.90677425709709
anneal (82) 0.90677425709709
anneal (114) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (9)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (8)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (10)
anneal (119) 0.90677425709709
anneal (118) 0.90677425709709
XOR (21)
Weather (17) 0.34444444444444
Weather (21) 0.34444444444444
XOR (23)
XOR (19)
XOR (17)
XOR (16)
XOR (24)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (11)
anneal (108) 0.81212304454876
cloud (1)
anneal (141) 0.90677425709709
Weather (18) 0.34444444444444
anneal (147) 0.90677425709709
anneal (136) 0.90677425709709
anneal (135) 0.99578738663151
anneal (122) 0.99434156378601
XOR (22)
Weather (22) 0.34444444444444
anneal (112) 0.90677425709709
XOR (29)
anneal (128) 0.90677425709709
anneal (139) 0.90677425709709
XOR (27)
cholesterol (1)
fourclass_scale (1)
anneal (151) 0.90677425709709
anneal (132) 0.90677425709709
anneal (156) 0.90677425709709
anneal (134) 0.90677425709709
anneal (149) 0.90677425709709
Weather (16) 0.34444444444444
Weather (15) 0.34444444444444
Weather (27) 0.34444444444444
anneal (126) 0.90677425709709
anneal (167) 0.81212304454876
anneal (127) 0.90677425709709
anneal (131) 0.90677425709709
anneal (124) 0.99434156378601
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (15)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (14)
anneal (143) 0.90677425709709
anneal (121) 0.90677425709709
anneal (146) 0.90677425709709
anneal (158) 0.90677425709709
anneal (120) 0.90677425709709
anneal (117) 0.99434156378601
Weather (24) 0.34444444444444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (12)
XOR (31)
anneal (150) 0.90677425709709
XOR (32)
Weather (23) 0.34444444444444
anneal (160) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (17)
anneal (155) 0.90677425709709
Weather (30) 0.34444444444444
anneal (110) 0.90677425709709
anneal (173) 0.99434156378601
Weather (20) 0.34444444444444
TEST569e152152-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (33)
Weather (26) 0.34444444444444
Weather (28) 0.34444444444444
XOR (15)
anneal (137) 0.99434156378601
Weather (19) 0.34444444444444
anneal (144) 0.90677425709709
XOR (25)
anneal (166) 0.99434156378601
XOR (30)
anneal (159) 0.90677425709709
anneal (161) 0.81212304454876
anneal (154) 0.90677425709709
anneal (125) 0.90677425709709
Weather (31) 0.57063492063492
Weather (34) 0.58174603174603
anneal (168) 0.81212304454876
anneal (172) 0.81212304454876
anneal (140) 0.90677425709709
anneal (129) 0.90677425709709
anneal (174) 0.90677425709709
XOR (20)
Weather (25) 0.34444444444444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (16)
XOR (34)
XOR (28)
anneal (162) 0.90677425709709
anneal (109) 0.81212304454876
anneal (171) 0.81212304454876
anneal (164) 0.90677425709709
anneal (145) 0.90677425709709
anneal (123) 0.99434156378601
Weather (33) 0.34444444444444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (13)
XOR (26)
anneal (152) 0.81212304454876
anneal (169) 0.81212304454876
anneal (142) 0.99434156378601
Weather (29) 0.57063492063492
Weather (32) 0.58174603174603
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
anneal (175) 0.90677425709709
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
anneal (177) 0.90677425709709
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.2
anneal (178) 0.94252980556509
TEST9d96ec7ade-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (180) 0.90677425709709
TESTcf61db30f6-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (181) 0.90677425709709
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TESTada3067c77-XOR (1)
TESTf112d7f8be-XOR (1)
TEST9ecb165245-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (179) 0.81212304454876
TESTaebada2a36-ModifiedWeather (1)
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (182) 0.81212304454876
anneal (183) 0.81212304454876
anneal (184) 0.90677425709709
anneal (185) 0.90677425709709
Weather (35) 0.34444444444444
anneal (190) 0.81212304454876
anneal (187) 0.90677425709709
anneal (192) 0.90677425709709
anneal (191) 0.99578738663151
Weather (36) 0.34444444444444
XOR (36)
wisconsin (1)
anneal (186) 0.90677425709709
anneal (189) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (18)
XOR (35)
anneal (193) 0.95834976985268
ModifiedWeather (1)
XOR (37)
XOR (38)
UploadTestWithURL (1)
UploadTestWithURL (2)
anneal (195) 0.81212304454876
anneal (198) 0.81212304454876
anneal (194) 0.81212304454876
anneal (201) 0.90677425709709
Weather (38) 0.34444444444444
XOR (39)
Weather (37) 0.34444444444444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (19)
anneal (199) 0.81212304454876
anneal (196) 0.81212304454876
anneal (200) 0.99578738663151
XOR (40)
anneal (176) 0.81212304454876
anneal (208) 0.81212304454876
anneal (202) 0.81212304454876
anneal (206) 0.99578738663151
Weather (39) 0.57063492063492
XOR (42)
anneal (203) 0.90677425709709
anneal (209) 0.81212304454876
anneal (207) 0.90677425709709
anneal (204) 0.90677425709709
Weather (40) 0.34444444444444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (20)
XOR (41)
anneal (94) 0.81212304454876
anneal (213) 0.90677425709709
anneal (215) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (21)
Weather (42) 0.34444444444444
Weather (41) 0.57063492063492
XOR (43)
anneal (211) 0.81212304454876
anneal (210) 0.81212304454876
anneal (214) 0.81212304454876
anneal (212) 0.90677425709709
anneal (218) 0.99578738663151
XOR (44)
anneal (222) 0.90677425709709
Weather (43) 0.34444444444444
anneal (220) 0.81212304454876
XOR (46)
anneal (224) 0.81212304454876
anneal (226) 0.81212304454876
anneal (219) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (22)
XOR (45)
anneal (221) 0.90677425709709
anneal (225) 0.99434156378601
Weather (44) 0.58174603174603
fruitfly (1)
sleep (1)
anneal (234) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (23)
anneal (244) 0.99434156378601
XOR (50)
anneal (228) 0.81212304454876
anneal (237) 0.90677425709709
anneal (242) 0.90677425709709
anneal (231) 0.99578738663151
Weather (47) 0.34444444444444
Weather (45) 0.34444444444444
TEST08f51af3c8-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTa365aee568-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (233) 0.90677425709709
anneal (240) 0.90677425709709
anneal (229) 0.90677425709709
TEST037907c164-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.2
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTfd496f5b4d-XOR (1)
TEST037907c164-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (47)
XOR (48)
TEST82462bce44-UploadTestWithURL (1)
XOR (49)
anneal (241) 0.90677425709709
anneal (227) 0.90677425709709
anneal (236) 0.90677425709709
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
Weather (46) 0.34444444444444
Weather (48) 0.58174603174603
anneal (235) 0.95834976985268
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (238) 0.90677425709709
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (24)
GermanCreditModified (1)
GermanCreditModified (3)
GermanCreditModified (2)
TEST062fea70c5-XOR (1)
anneal (249) 0.81212304454876
Weather (50) 0.34444444444444
anneal (246) 0.81212304454876
anneal (251) 0.90677425709709
anneal (252) 0.81212304454876
anneal (247) 0.90677425709709
anneal (245) 0.90677425709709
XOR (51)
anneal (250) 0.99434156378601
Weather (49) 0.57063492063492
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (25)
XOR (52)
pharynx (1)
anneal (232) 0.81212304454876
bolts (1)
cpu_act (1)
delta_elevators (1)
kin8nm (1)
diabetes_numeric (1)
satimage (1) 0.92730914459926
anneal (253) 0.81212304454876
anneal (255) 0.81212304454876
anneal (257) 0.90677425709709
anneal (260) 0.99434156378601
Weather (52) 0.34444444444444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (26)
anneal (258) 0.90677425709709
XOR (54)
anneal (254) 0.81212304454876
anneal (259) 0.90677425709709
Weather (51) 0.34444444444444
XOR (53)
anneal (264) 0.81212304454876
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (27)
anneal (266) 0.81212304454876
Weather (53) 0.34444444444444
anneal (263) 0.90677425709709
Weather (54) 0.34444444444444
anneal (265) 0.81212304454876
anneal (262) 0.81212304454876
anneal (261) 0.81212304454876
anneal (269) 0.99578738663151
XOR (56)
XOR (55)
semeion (1) 0.84804078330631
anneal (271) 0.90677425709709
anneal (274) 0.81212304454876
anneal (278) 0.99578738663151
TESTa16e77a23a-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (275) 0.81212304454876
anneal (272) 0.81212304454876
anneal (276) 0.90677425709709
anneal (270) 0.90677425709709
Weather (55) 0.57063492063492
Weather (56) 0.58174603174603
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (28)
XOR (58)
XOR (57)
anneal (279) 0.95834976985268
TEST48d84f339b-UploadTestWithURL (1)
TEST119265b835-UploadTestWithURL (1)
pbc (1)
pol (1)
anneal (296) 0.81212304454876
anneal (293) 0.81212304454876
anneal (288) 0.81212304454876
anneal (291) 0.81212304454876
anneal (292) 0.81212304454876
anneal (280) 0.81212304454876
anneal (287) 0.90677425709709
anneal (286) 0.99434156378601
Weather (57) 0.57063492063492
XOR (60)
XOR (59)
anneal (281) 0.81212304454876
anneal (285) 0.81212304454876
anneal (282) 0.81212304454876
anneal (283) 0.90677425709709
Weather (58) 0.58174603174603
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (29)
mbagrade (1)
cleveland (1)
auto_price (1)
waveform-5000 (1) 0.85183742750322
climate-model-simulation-crashes (1) 0.67127266326351
anneal (304) 0.81212304454876
anneal (306) 0.81212304454876
anneal (295) 0.90677425709709
anneal (298) 0.90677425709709
XOR (61)
anneal (297) 0.90677425709709
anneal (305) 0.90677425709709
anneal (294) 0.90677425709709
anneal (290) 0.90677425709709
anneal (300) 0.90677425709709
anneal (289) 0.90677425709709
anneal (307) 0.99434156378601
Weather (60) 0.34444444444444
Weather (59) 0.34444444444444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (30)
anneal (299) 0.81212304454876
XOR (62)
anneal (301) 0.81212304454876
anneal (302) 0.81212304454876
segment (1) 0.98186103458831
abalone (1) 0.71575637893382
MiceProtein (1) 1
detroit (1)
anneal (319) 0.81212304454876
anneal (316) 0.81212304454876
anneal (318) 0.81212304454876
anneal (321) 0.81212304454876
anneal (320) 0.81212304454876
anneal (317) 0.81212304454876
anneal (309) 0.81212304454876
anneal (314) 0.99434156378601
Weather (62) 0.58174603174603
XOR (63)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (31)
XOR (64)
anneal (311) 0.90677425709709
anneal (312) 0.81212304454876
anneal (310) 0.81212304454876
anneal (308) 0.81212304454876
anneal (315) 0.90677425709709
Weather (61) 0.57063492063492
UNIX_user_data (1)
autoMpg (1)
lowbwt (1)
longley (1)
anneal (328) 0.81212304454876
anneal (324) 0.81212304454876
anneal (329) 0.90677425709709
anneal (326) 0.99578738663151
Weather (63) 0.57063492063492
Weather (64) 0.58174603174603
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (32)
anneal (323) 0.90677425709709
anneal (327) 0.81212304454876
anneal (322) 0.81212304454876
XOR (66)
XOR (65)
anneal (330) 0.81212304454876
anneal (1) 0.90677425709709
anneal (333) 0.81212304454876
anneal (332) 0.81212304454876
anneal (335) 0.81212304454876
anneal (334) 0.81212304454876
anneal (331) 0.90677425709709
kr-vs-kp (1) 0.96191206574058
mfeat-pixel (1) 0.89374222222222
mfeat-morphological (1) 0.91142041666667
mfeat-factors (1) 0.93603152777778
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mfeat-karhunen (1) 0.89335291666667
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mfeat-zernike (1) 0.86140402777778
cmc (1) 0.65999860099048
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monks-problems-2 (1) 0.49936708860759
monks-problems-3 (1) 0.98209064327485
sick (1) 0.92886361496923
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splice (1) 0.9645392222677
tic-tac-toe (1) 0.74351399207052
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eucalyptus (1) 0.82394939666572
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first-order-theorem-proving (1) 0.70908271910376
har (1) 0.96825954752952
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madelon (1) 0.75801035502959
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PhishingWebsites (1) 0.97717576948837
GesturePhaseSegmentationProcessed (1) 0.68679239230699
cylinder-bands (2) 0.62688371569951
cjs (3) 1
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steel-plates-fault (1) 0.99574507478637
tamilnadu-electricity (1) 1
wilt (1) 0.93350214000325
adult (2) 0.88187832091061
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gina_agnostic (1) 0.86114610692584
ada_agnostic (1) 0.85107101649342
mozilla4 (1) 0.94874634314445
pc4 (1) 0.82962605337079
pc3 (1) 0.49982181040627
jm1 (1) 0.65446310377876
JapaneseVowels (1) 0.93137725526474
irish (1) 1
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kc2 (1) 0.72860038283977
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pc1 (1) 0.75223371589651
musk (1) 0.99999189552557
Click_prediction_small (5) 0.52083101495739
artificial-characters (1) 0.71483917884096
bank-marketing (1) 0.81055393998634
banknote-authentication (1) 0.95912396196377
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Australian (3) 0.83535180003572
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wdbc (1) 0.95507637017071
dresses-sales (2) 0.53956486042693
hill-valley (1) 0.5
car (1) 0.96740690511816
MagicTelescope (1) 0.85729213791249
balance-scale (1) 0.84068245961095