

Maximum mutual information between the nominal attributes and the target attribute.

Value per dataset

triazines (1)
anneal (8) 0.40908953764451
anneal (4) 0.40908953764451
anneal (2) 0.40908953764451
XOR (1)
Weather (1) 0.24674981977444
web_questionsQA (1)
anneal (6) 0.40908953764451
anneal (7) 0.40908953764451
Weather (2) 0.24674981977444
TEST9e3886e694-XOR (1)
iris (2)
anneal (12) 0.40908953764451
anneal (14)
TESTc7ba0dcb5a-XOR (1)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
test (6)
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (1)
anneal (13) 0.40908953764451
TESTb633b550cf-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
test (4)
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.97095059445467
test (3)
test (1)
test (2)
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
anneal (9) 0.08526947250075
TESTaf99b42041-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.24674981977444
XOR (2)
test (9)
anneal (17) 0.40908953764451
test (7)
TESTe216022baf-UploadTestWithURL (1)
iris-challenge (1)
TEST8facacd8dc-UploadTestWithURL (1)
test (10)
test (14)
test (5)
test (13)
test (12)
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (3) 0.40908953764451
anneal (23) 0.40908953764451
TEST0ea351d931-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (24) 0.40908953764451
anneal (18) 0.40908953764451
test (11)
test (8)
anneal (26) 0.40908953764451
anneal (27) 0.40908953764451
anneal (39) 0.40908953764451
anneal (43) 0.40908953764451
anneal (63) 0.40908953764451
test (16)
TEST840571e677-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (58) 0.40908953764451
Weather (6) 0.24674981977444
anneal (62) 0.40908953764451
anneal (30) 0.40908953764451
test (24)
test (20)
anneal (66) 0.08526947250075
anneal (34) 0.40908953764451
anneal (38) 0.40908953764451
anneal (41) 0.40908953764451
Weather (3) 0.24674981977444
XOR (4)
Weather (4) 0.24674981977444
Weather (8) 0.24674981977444
test (19)
test (21)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (3)
XOR (3)
anneal (48) 0.40908953764451
XOR (6)
test (27)
XOR (5)
spambase (1)
anneal (49) 0.40908953764451
test (33)
anneal (32) 0.40908953764451
anneal (45) 0.40908953764451
anneal (16) 0.40908953764451
anneal (57) 0.40908953764451
Weather (5) 0.24674981977444
test (26)
XOR (7)
test (36)
test (23)
anneal (59) 0.40908953764451
test (28)
anneal (42) 0.40908953764451
anneal (33) 0.40908953764451
test (15)
anneal (37) 0.08526947250075
anneal (53) 0.40908953764451
anneal (25) 0.40908953764451
anneal (56) 0.08526947250075
test (39)
TEST2fe1e97c97-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
test (35)
test (29)
test (31)
anneal (52) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (4)
anneal (54) 0.40908953764451
Weather (7) 0.24674981977444
test (22)
test (38)
test (32)
test (18)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (2)
vineyard (1)
pol (1)
anneal (31) 0.40908953764451
Weather (9) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (5)
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.97095059445467
anneal (74) 0.40908953764451
Weather (11) 0.24674981977444
anneal (61) 0.40908953764451
test (17)
TEST22dd0ebd9b-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.24674981977444
anneal (36) 0.40908953764451
test (43)
XOR (9)
anneal (89) 0.40908953764451
TESTee7d03de92-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (77) 0.40908953764451
anneal (84) 0.40908953764451
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
XOR (10)
blood-transfusion-service-center (1)
autoMpg (1)
autoPrice (1)
quake (1)
pbc (1)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (95) 0.40908953764451
anneal (80) 0.40908953764451
test (40)
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST398fcda80b-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.24674981977444
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
Weather (10) 0.24674981977444
test (41)
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
test (49)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (6)
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST5705382a07-UploadTestWithURL (1)
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (14)
XOR (11)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
anneal (83) 0.40908953764451
TEST2fb3e3c09b-XOR (1)
anneal (101) 0.40908953764451
anneal (92) 0.40908953764451
anneal (75) 0.40908953764451
XOR (8)
Weather (14) 0.24674981977444
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
test (42)
test (30)
XOR (13)
anneal (103) 0.40908953764451
Weather (12) 0.24674981977444
anneal (90) 0.40908953764451
anneal (73) 0.40908953764451
anneal (88) 0.08526947250075
TESTe2a3b91028-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.24674981977444
TESTf7444a8ea4-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
test (47)
test (50)
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (98) 0.40908953764451
test (37)
anneal (86) 0.08526947250075
anneal (105) 0.08526947250075
anneal (87) 0.40908953764451
anneal (99) 0.40908953764451
test (44)
TESTcf74ef9481-XOR (1)
XOR (12)
test (51)
anneal (91)
test (46)
test (45)
test (52)
anneal (44) 0.40908953764451
anneal (79) 0.40908953764451
anneal (28) 0.40908953764451
test (48)
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.97095059445467
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TESTdcaa77be46-XOR (1)
TEST8eecdebbd6-XOR (1)
anneal (102) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (7)
anneal (97) 0.40908953764451
TEST2302efba1e-XOR (1)
anneal (72) 0.08526947250075
test (34)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.97095059445467
Weather (13) 0.24674981977444
TESTc09922bc0f-XOR (1)
test (25)
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
cylinder-bands (2) 0.21641365622803
anneal (11) 0.40908953764451
anneal (106) 0.40908953764451
anneal (115) 0.08526947250075
XOR (18)
anneal (116)
anneal (113) 0.40908953764451
anneal (107) 0.40908953764451
mfeat-zernike (1)
lowbwt (1)
anneal (82) 0.40908953764451
anneal (114) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (9)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (8)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (10)
credit-a (1) 0.42570942667283
anneal (119) 0.40908953764451
anneal (118) 0.40908953764451
XOR (21)
Weather (17) 0.24674981977444
Weather (21) 0.24674981977444
XOR (23)
XOR (19)
XOR (17)
XOR (16)
XOR (24)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (11)
profb (1) 0.03446761121749
climate-model-simulation-crashes (1)
pendigits (1)
tic-tac-toe (1) 0.08718670223057
abalone (1) 0.23398435498208
anneal (108) 0.40908953764451
artificial-characters (1)
cloud (1)
mushroom (1) 0.906074977384
anneal (141) 0.40908953764451
Weather (18) 0.24674981977444
anneal (147) 0.40908953764451
anneal (136) 0.40908953764451
anneal (135) 0.08526947250075
anneal (122) 0.08526947250075
XOR (22)
Weather (22) 0.24674981977444
anneal (112) 0.40908953764451
XOR (29)
anneal (128) 0.40908953764451
anneal (139) 0.40908953764451
XOR (27)
PhishingWebsites (1) 0.49948275653695
cholesterol (1)
texture (1)
fourclass_scale (1)
credit-g (1) 0.09473884155264
anneal (151) 0.40908953764451
anneal (132) 0.40908953764451
anneal (156) 0.40908953764451
anneal (134) 0.40908953764451
anneal (149) 0.40908953764451
Weather (16) 0.24674981977444
Weather (15) 0.24674981977444
Weather (27) 0.24674981977444
anneal (126) 0.40908953764451
anneal (167) 0.40908953764451
anneal (127) 0.40908953764451
anneal (131) 0.40908953764451
anneal (124) 0.08526947250075
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (15)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (14)
anneal (143) 0.40908953764451
anneal (121) 0.40908953764451
anneal (146) 0.40908953764451
anneal (158) 0.40908953764451
anneal (120) 0.40908953764451
anneal (117) 0.08526947250075
Weather (24) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (12)
XOR (31)
anneal (150) 0.40908953764451
XOR (32)
Weather (23) 0.24674981977444
anneal (160) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (17)
anneal (155) 0.40908953764451
Weather (30) 0.24674981977444
anneal (110) 0.40908953764451
anneal (173) 0.08526947250075
Weather (20) 0.24674981977444
TEST569e152152-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (33)
Weather (26) 0.24674981977444
Weather (28) 0.24674981977444
XOR (15)
anneal (137) 0.08526947250075
Weather (19) 0.24674981977444
anneal (144) 0.40908953764451
XOR (25)
anneal (166) 0.08526947250075
XOR (30)
anneal (159) 0.40908953764451
anneal (161) 0.40908953764451
anneal (154) 0.40908953764451
anneal (125) 0.40908953764451
Weather (31) 0.24674981977444
Weather (34) 0.24674981977444
anneal (168) 0.40908953764451
anneal (172) 0.40908953764451
anneal (140) 0.40908953764451
anneal (129) 0.40908953764451
anneal (174) 0.40908953764451
XOR (20)
Weather (25) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (16)
XOR (34)
XOR (28)
anneal (162) 0.40908953764451
anneal (109) 0.40908953764451
anneal (171) 0.40908953764451
anneal (164) 0.40908953764451
anneal (145) 0.40908953764451
anneal (123) 0.08526947250075
Weather (33) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (13)
XOR (26)
anneal (152) 0.40908953764451
anneal (169) 0.40908953764451
anneal (142) 0.08526947250075
Weather (29) 0.24674981977444
Weather (32) 0.24674981977444
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
anneal (175) 0.40908953764451
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
anneal (177) 0.40908953764451
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (178)
TEST9d96ec7ade-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (180) 0.40908953764451
TESTcf61db30f6-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (181) 0.40908953764451
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TESTada3067c77-XOR (1)
TESTf112d7f8be-XOR (1)
TEST9ecb165245-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (179) 0.40908953764451
TESTaebada2a36-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.24674981977444
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.97095059445467
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (182) 0.40908953764451
anneal (183) 0.40908953764451
anneal (184) 0.40908953764451
madelon (1)
cleveland (1)
mfeat-karhunen (1)
mozilla4 (1)
anneal (185) 0.40908953764451
Weather (35) 0.24674981977444
anneal (190) 0.40908953764451
anneal (187) 0.40908953764451
anneal (192) 0.40908953764451
anneal (191) 0.08526947250075
Weather (36) 0.24674981977444
XOR (36)
bank-marketing (1) 0.04241125452275
musk (1) 0.62009855901309
sylva_agnostic (1)
pc3 (1)
wisconsin (1)
anneal (186) 0.40908953764451
anneal (189) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (18)
XOR (35)
anneal (193)
ModifiedWeather (1) 0.24674981977444
XOR (37)
XOR (38)
UploadTestWithURL (1)
UploadTestWithURL (2)
anneal (195) 0.40908953764451
anneal (198) 0.40908953764451
anneal (194) 0.40908953764451
anneal (201) 0.40908953764451
Weather (38) 0.24674981977444
XOR (39)
Weather (37) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (19)
anneal (199) 0.40908953764451
anneal (196) 0.40908953764451
anneal (200) 0.08526947250075
XOR (40)
UNIX_user_data (1)
anneal (176) 0.40908953764451
mfeat-fourier (1)
car (1) 0.26218435655426
vehicle (1)
anneal (208) 0.40908953764451
anneal (202) 0.40908953764451
anneal (206) 0.08526947250075
Weather (39) 0.24674981977444
XOR (42)
anneal (203) 0.40908953764451
anneal (209) 0.40908953764451
anneal (207) 0.40908953764451
anneal (204) 0.40908953764451
Weather (40) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (20)
XOR (41)
har (1)
micro-mass (2)
detroit (1)
mfeat-morphological (1)
sick (1) 0.06006915971583
auto_price (1)
anneal (94) 0.40908953764451
anneal (213) 0.40908953764451
anneal (215) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (21)
Weather (42) 0.24674981977444
Weather (41) 0.24674981977444
XOR (43)
anneal (211) 0.40908953764451
anneal (210) 0.40908953764451
anneal (214) 0.40908953764451
anneal (212) 0.40908953764451
anneal (218) 0.08526947250075
XOR (44)
segment (1)
anneal (222) 0.40908953764451
Weather (43) 0.24674981977444
anneal (220) 0.40908953764451
XOR (46)
anneal (224) 0.40908953764451
anneal (226) 0.40908953764451
anneal (219) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (22)
XOR (45)
anneal (221) 0.40908953764451
anneal (225) 0.08526947250075
Weather (44) 0.24674981977444
monks-problems-1 (1) 0.30564217262535
irish (1) 0.93376414483082
gina_agnostic (1)
MagicTelescope (1)
fruitfly (1)
cjs (3) 2.5203815255268
dresses-sales (2) 0.04980682279954
balance-scale (1)
optdigits (1)
letter (1)
cmc (1) 0.07090633894894
soybean (1) 1.2869247476219
pc1 (1)
banknote-authentication (1)
cardiotocography (1)
gas-drift (1)
ilpd (1) 0.00477057255121
phoneme (1)
tamilnadu-electricity (1) 4.2454309656967
wilt (1)
mbagrade (1)
sleep (1)
vowel (2) 0
kc1 (1)
wall-robot-navigation (1)
steel-plates-fault (1)
Amazon_employee_access (1) 0.14902849531962
nomao (1) 0.26071664300521
Click_prediction_small (5)
anneal (234) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (23)
anneal (244) 0.08526947250075
XOR (50)
anneal (228) 0.40908953764451
anneal (237) 0.40908953764451
anneal (242) 0.40908953764451
anneal (231) 0.08526947250075
Weather (47) 0.24674981977444
Weather (45) 0.24674981977444
TEST08f51af3c8-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTa365aee568-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (233) 0.40908953764451
anneal (240) 0.40908953764451
anneal (229) 0.40908953764451
TEST037907c164-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTfd496f5b4d-XOR (1)
TEST037907c164-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (47)
XOR (48)
TEST82462bce44-UploadTestWithURL (1)
XOR (49)
anneal (241) 0.40908953764451
anneal (227) 0.40908953764451
anneal (236) 0.40908953764451
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
Weather (46) 0.24674981977444
Weather (48) 0.24674981977444
anneal (235)
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (238) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (24)
GermanCreditModified (1)
GermanCreditModified (3)
GermanCreditModified (2)
TEST062fea70c5-XOR (1)
anneal (249) 0.40908953764451
Weather (50) 0.24674981977444
anneal (246) 0.40908953764451
anneal (251) 0.40908953764451
anneal (252) 0.40908953764451
anneal (247) 0.40908953764451
anneal (245) 0.40908953764451
XOR (51)
anneal (250) 0.08526947250075
Weather (49) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (25)
XOR (52)
pc4 (1)
first-order-theorem-proving (1)
one-hundred-plants-texture (1)
pharynx (1)
Australian (3)
waveform-5000 (1)
monks-problems-2 (1) 0.00684214329877
JapaneseVowels (1)
anneal (232) 0.40908953764451
monks-problems-3 (1) 0.31810389936073
analcatdata_authorship (1)
mfeat-factors (1)
breast-w (1)
electricity (1) 0.00250816956442
synthetic_control (1)
analcatdata_dmft (1) 0.06165879105093
jm1 (1)
cnae-9 (1)
bolts (1)
cpu_act (1)
delta_elevators (1)
qsar-biodeg (1)
GesturePhaseSegmentationProcessed (1)
one-hundred-plants-margin (1)
kin8nm (1)
diabetes_numeric (1)
mfeat-pixel (1) 0.69725435953817
satimage (1)
anneal (253) 0.40908953764451
anneal (255) 0.40908953764451
anneal (257) 0.40908953764451
anneal (260) 0.08526947250075
Weather (52) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (26)
anneal (258) 0.40908953764451
XOR (54)
anneal (254) 0.40908953764451
anneal (259) 0.40908953764451
Weather (51) 0.24674981977444
XOR (53)
anneal (264) 0.40908953764451
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (27)
anneal (266) 0.40908953764451
Weather (53) 0.24674981977444
anneal (263) 0.40908953764451
Weather (54) 0.24674981977444
anneal (265) 0.40908953764451
anneal (262) 0.40908953764451
anneal (261) 0.40908953764451
anneal (269) 0.08526947250075
XOR (56)
XOR (55)
semeion (1)
wdbc (1)
MiceProtein (1) 2.9930267873166
LED-display-domain-7digit (1)
kr-vs-kp (1) 0.19826687955488
eucalyptus (1) 0.42753276429854
ada_agnostic (1)
hill-valley (1)
adult (2) 0.16542318099233
Bioresponse (1)
splice (1) 0.38964063813375
scene (1) 0.06866591760557
isolet (1)
ozone-level-8hr (1)
one-hundred-plants-shape (1)
anneal (271) 0.40908953764451
iris (1)
longley (1)
diabetes (1)
eeg-eye-state (1)
collins (1) 3.6485620760128
kc2 (1)
anneal (274) 0.40908953764451
anneal (278) 0.08526947250075
anneal (1) 0.40908953764451
TESTa16e77a23a-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (275) 0.40908953764451
anneal (272) 0.40908953764451
anneal (276) 0.40908953764451
anneal (270) 0.40908953764451
Weather (55) 0.24674981977444
Weather (56) 0.24674981977444
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (28)
XOR (58)
XOR (57)