

Average entropy of the attributes.

Value per dataset

triazines (1)
anneal (8) 0.2515351603742
anneal (4) 0.2515351603742
anneal (2) 0.2515351603742
XOR (1)
Weather (1) 1.2813172094433
web_questionsQA (1)
anneal (6) 0.2515351603742
anneal (7) 0.2515351603742
Weather (2) 0.78870314142617
TEST9e3886e694-XOR (1)
iris (2)
anneal (12) 0.2515351603742
anneal (14)
TESTc7ba0dcb5a-XOR (1)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
test (6)
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (1)
anneal (13) 0.2515351603742
TESTb633b550cf-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
test (4)
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.76096404744368
test (3)
test (1)
test (2)
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
anneal (9) 0.25762071747422
TESTaf99b42041-ModifiedWeather (1) 1.2813172094433
XOR (2)
test (9)
anneal (17) 0.2515351603742
test (7)
TESTe216022baf-UploadTestWithURL (1)
iris-challenge (1)
TEST8facacd8dc-UploadTestWithURL (1)
test (10)
test (14)
test (5)
test (13)
test (12)
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (3) 0.2515351603742
anneal (23) 0.2515351603742
TEST0ea351d931-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (24) 0.2515351603742
anneal (18) 0.2515351603742
test (11)
test (8)
anneal (26) 0.2515351603742
anneal (27) 0.2515351603742
anneal (39) 0.2515351603742
anneal (43) 0.2515351603742
anneal (63) 0.2515351603742
test (16)
TEST840571e677-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (58) 0.2515351603742
Weather (6) 0.78870314142617
anneal (62) 0.2515351603742
anneal (30) 0.2515351603742
test (24)
test (20)
anneal (66) 0.25762071747422
anneal (34) 0.2515351603742
anneal (38) 0.2515351603742
anneal (41) 0.2515351603742
Weather (3) 1.2813172094433
XOR (4)
Weather (4) 0.78870314142617
Weather (8) 0.78870314142617
test (19)
test (21)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (3)
XOR (3)
anneal (48) 0.2515351603742
XOR (6)
test (27)
XOR (5)
spambase (1)
anneal (49) 0.2515351603742
test (33)
anneal (32) 0.2515351603742
anneal (45) 0.2515351603742
anneal (16) 0.2515351603742
anneal (57) 0.2515351603742
Weather (5) 1.2813172094433
test (26)
XOR (7)
test (36)
test (23)
anneal (59) 0.2515351603742
test (28)
anneal (42) 0.2515351603742
anneal (33) 0.2515351603742
test (15)
anneal (37) 0.25762071747422
anneal (53) 0.2515351603742
anneal (25) 0.2515351603742
anneal (56) 0.25762071747422
test (39)
TEST2fe1e97c97-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
test (35)
test (29)
test (31)
anneal (52) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (4)
anneal (54) 0.2515351603742
Weather (7) 1.2813172094433
test (22)
test (38)
test (32)
test (18)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (2)
vineyard (1)
anneal (31) 0.2515351603742
Weather (9) 1.2813172094433
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (5)
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.76096404744368
anneal (74) 0.2515351603742
Weather (11) 1.2813172094433
anneal (61) 0.2515351603742
test (17)
TEST22dd0ebd9b-ModifiedWeather (1) 1.2813172094433
anneal (36) 0.2515351603742
test (43)
XOR (9)
anneal (89) 0.2515351603742
TESTee7d03de92-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (77) 0.2515351603742
anneal (84) 0.2515351603742
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
XOR (10)
autoPrice (1)
quake (1)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (95) 0.2515351603742
anneal (80) 0.2515351603742
test (40)
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST398fcda80b-ModifiedWeather (1) 1.2813172094433
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
Weather (10) 0.78870314142617
test (41)
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
test (49)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (6)
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST5705382a07-UploadTestWithURL (1)
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (14)
XOR (11)
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
anneal (83) 0.2515351603742
TEST2fb3e3c09b-XOR (1)
anneal (101) 0.2515351603742
anneal (92) 0.2515351603742
anneal (75) 0.2515351603742
XOR (8)
Weather (14) 0.78870314142617
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
test (42)
test (30)
XOR (13)
anneal (103) 0.2515351603742
Weather (12) 0.78870314142617
anneal (90) 0.2515351603742
anneal (73) 0.2515351603742
anneal (88) 0.25762071747422
TESTe2a3b91028-ModifiedWeather (1) 1.2813172094433
TESTf7444a8ea4-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
test (47)
test (50)
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (98) 0.2515351603742
test (37)
anneal (86) 0.25762071747422
anneal (105) 0.25762071747422
anneal (87) 0.2515351603742
anneal (99) 0.2515351603742
test (44)
TESTcf74ef9481-XOR (1)
XOR (12)
test (51)
anneal (91)
test (46)
test (45)
test (52)
anneal (44) 0.2515351603742
anneal (79) 0.2515351603742
anneal (28) 0.2515351603742
test (48)
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.76096404744368
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TESTdcaa77be46-XOR (1)
TEST8eecdebbd6-XOR (1)
anneal (102) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (7)
anneal (97) 0.2515351603742
TEST2302efba1e-XOR (1)
anneal (72) 0.25762071747422
test (34)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.76096404744368
Weather (13) 1.2813172094433
TESTc09922bc0f-XOR (1)
test (25)
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
anneal (11) 0.2515351603742
anneal (106) 0.2515351603742
anneal (115) 0.25762071747422
XOR (18)
anneal (116)
anneal (113) 0.2515351603742
anneal (107) 0.2515351603742
anneal (82) 0.2515351603742
anneal (114) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (9)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (8)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (10)
anneal (119) 0.2515351603742
anneal (118) 0.2515351603742
XOR (21)
Weather (17) 1.2813172094433
Weather (21) 1.2813172094433
XOR (23)
XOR (19)
XOR (17)
XOR (16)
XOR (24)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (11)
anneal (108) 0.2515351603742
cloud (1)
anneal (141) 0.2515351603742
Weather (18) 0.78870314142617
anneal (147) 0.2515351603742
anneal (136) 0.2515351603742
anneal (135) 0.25762071747422
anneal (122) 0.25762071747422
XOR (22)
Weather (22) 0.78870314142617
anneal (112) 0.2515351603742
XOR (29)
anneal (128) 0.2515351603742
anneal (139) 0.2515351603742
XOR (27)
cholesterol (1)
fourclass_scale (1)
anneal (151) 0.2515351603742
anneal (132) 0.2515351603742
anneal (156) 0.2515351603742
anneal (134) 0.2515351603742
anneal (149) 0.2515351603742
Weather (16) 0.78870314142617
Weather (15) 1.2813172094433
Weather (27) 1.2813172094433
anneal (126) 0.2515351603742
anneal (167) 0.2515351603742
anneal (127) 0.2515351603742
anneal (131) 0.2515351603742
anneal (124) 0.25762071747422
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (15)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (14)
anneal (143) 0.2515351603742
anneal (121) 0.2515351603742
anneal (146) 0.2515351603742
anneal (158) 0.2515351603742
anneal (120) 0.2515351603742
anneal (117) 0.25762071747422
Weather (24) 0.78870314142617
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (12)
XOR (31)
anneal (150) 0.2515351603742
XOR (32)
Weather (23) 1.2813172094433
anneal (160) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (17)
anneal (155) 0.2515351603742
Weather (30) 0.78870314142617
anneal (110) 0.2515351603742
anneal (173) 0.25762071747422
Weather (20) 0.78870314142617
TEST569e152152-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (33)
Weather (26) 0.78870314142617
Weather (28) 0.78870314142617
XOR (15)
anneal (137) 0.25762071747422
Weather (19) 1.2813172094433
anneal (144) 0.2515351603742
XOR (25)
anneal (166) 0.25762071747422
XOR (30)
anneal (159) 0.2515351603742
anneal (161) 0.2515351603742
anneal (154) 0.2515351603742
anneal (125) 0.2515351603742
Weather (31) 1.2813172094433
Weather (34) 0.78870314142617
anneal (168) 0.2515351603742
anneal (172) 0.2515351603742
anneal (140) 0.2515351603742
anneal (129) 0.2515351603742
anneal (174) 0.2515351603742
XOR (20)
Weather (25) 1.2813172094433
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (16)
XOR (34)
XOR (28)
anneal (162) 0.2515351603742
anneal (109) 0.2515351603742
anneal (171) 0.2515351603742
anneal (164) 0.2515351603742
anneal (145) 0.2515351603742
anneal (123) 0.25762071747422
Weather (33) 1.2813172094433
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (13)
XOR (26)
anneal (152) 0.2515351603742
anneal (169) 0.2515351603742
anneal (142) 0.25762071747422
Weather (29) 1.2813172094433
Weather (32) 0.78870314142617
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
anneal (175) 0.2515351603742
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
anneal (177) 0.2515351603742
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (178)
TEST9d96ec7ade-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (180) 0.2515351603742
TESTcf61db30f6-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (181) 0.2515351603742
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TESTada3067c77-XOR (1)
TESTf112d7f8be-XOR (1)
TEST9ecb165245-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (179) 0.2515351603742
TESTaebada2a36-ModifiedWeather (1) 1.2813172094433
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.76096404744368
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (182) 0.2515351603742
anneal (183) 0.2515351603742
anneal (184) 0.2515351603742
anneal (185) 0.2515351603742
Weather (35) 1.2813172094433
anneal (190) 0.2515351603742
anneal (187) 0.2515351603742
anneal (192) 0.2515351603742
anneal (191) 0.25762071747422
Weather (36) 0.78870314142617
XOR (36)
wisconsin (1)
anneal (186) 0.2515351603742
anneal (189) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (18)
XOR (35)
anneal (193)
ModifiedWeather (1) 1.2813172094433
XOR (37)
XOR (38)
UploadTestWithURL (1)
UploadTestWithURL (2)
anneal (195) 0.2515351603742
anneal (198) 0.2515351603742
anneal (194) 0.2515351603742
anneal (201) 0.2515351603742
Weather (38) 0.78870314142617
XOR (39)
Weather (37) 1.2813172094433
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (19)
anneal (199) 0.2515351603742
anneal (196) 0.2515351603742
anneal (200) 0.25762071747422
XOR (40)
anneal (176) 0.2515351603742
anneal (208) 0.2515351603742
anneal (202) 0.2515351603742
anneal (206) 0.25762071747422
Weather (39) 1.2813172094433
XOR (42)
anneal (203) 0.2515351603742
anneal (209) 0.2515351603742
anneal (207) 0.2515351603742
anneal (204) 0.2515351603742
Weather (40) 0.78870314142617
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (20)
XOR (41)
anneal (94) 0.2515351603742
anneal (213) 0.2515351603742
anneal (215) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (21)
Weather (42) 0.78870314142617
Weather (41) 1.2813172094433
XOR (43)
anneal (211) 0.2515351603742
anneal (210) 0.2515351603742
anneal (214) 0.2515351603742
anneal (212) 0.2515351603742
anneal (218) 0.25762071747422
XOR (44)
anneal (222) 0.2515351603742
Weather (43) 1.2813172094433
anneal (220) 0.2515351603742
XOR (46)
anneal (224) 0.2515351603742
anneal (226) 0.2515351603742
anneal (219) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (22)
XOR (45)
anneal (221) 0.2515351603742
anneal (225) 0.25762071747422
Weather (44) 0.78870314142617
fruitfly (1)
sleep (1)
anneal (234) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (23)
anneal (244) 0.25762071747422
XOR (50)
anneal (228) 0.2515351603742
anneal (237) 0.2515351603742
anneal (242) 0.2515351603742
anneal (231) 0.25762071747422
Weather (47) 1.2813172094433
Weather (45) 1.2813172094433
TEST08f51af3c8-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTa365aee568-UploadTestWithURL (1)
anneal (233) 0.2515351603742
anneal (240) 0.2515351603742
anneal (229) 0.2515351603742
TEST037907c164-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
TESTfd496f5b4d-XOR (1)
TEST037907c164-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
XOR (47)
XOR (48)
TEST82462bce44-UploadTestWithURL (1)
XOR (49)
anneal (241) 0.2515351603742
anneal (227) 0.2515351603742
anneal (236) 0.2515351603742
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (4)
Weather (46) 0.78870314142617
Weather (48) 0.78870314142617
anneal (235)
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (2)
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (238) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (24)
GermanCreditModified (1)
GermanCreditModified (3)
GermanCreditModified (2)
TEST062fea70c5-XOR (1)
anneal (249) 0.2515351603742
Weather (50) 0.78870314142617
anneal (246) 0.2515351603742
anneal (251) 0.2515351603742
anneal (252) 0.2515351603742
anneal (247) 0.2515351603742
anneal (245) 0.2515351603742
XOR (51)
anneal (250) 0.25762071747422
Weather (49) 1.2813172094433
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (25)
XOR (52)
pharynx (1)
anneal (232) 0.2515351603742
bolts (1)
cpu_act (1)
delta_elevators (1)
kin8nm (1)
diabetes_numeric (1)
satimage (1)
anneal (253) 0.2515351603742
anneal (255) 0.2515351603742
anneal (257) 0.2515351603742
anneal (260) 0.25762071747422
Weather (52) 0.78870314142617
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (26)
anneal (258) 0.2515351603742
XOR (54)
anneal (254) 0.2515351603742
anneal (259) 0.2515351603742
Weather (51) 1.2813172094433
XOR (53)
anneal (264) 0.2515351603742
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (27)
anneal (266) 0.2515351603742
Weather (53) 1.2813172094433
anneal (263) 0.2515351603742
Weather (54) 0.78870314142617
anneal (265) 0.2515351603742
anneal (262) 0.2515351603742
anneal (261) 0.2515351603742
anneal (269) 0.25762071747422
XOR (56)
XOR (55)
semeion (1)
anneal (271) 0.2515351603742
anneal (274) 0.2515351603742
anneal (278) 0.25762071747422
TESTa16e77a23a-pandas_testing_dataset (1)
anneal (275) 0.2515351603742
anneal (272) 0.2515351603742
anneal (276) 0.2515351603742
anneal (270) 0.2515351603742
Weather (55) 1.2813172094433
Weather (56) 0.78870314142617
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (28)
XOR (58)
XOR (57)
anneal (279)
TEST48d84f339b-UploadTestWithURL (1)
TEST119265b835-UploadTestWithURL (1)
pbc (1)
pol (1)
anneal (296) 0.2515351603742
anneal (293) 0.2515351603742
anneal (288) 0.2515351603742
anneal (291) 0.2515351603742
anneal (292) 0.2515351603742
anneal (280) 0.2515351603742
anneal (287) 0.2515351603742
anneal (286) 0.25762071747422
Weather (57) 1.2813172094433
XOR (60)
XOR (59)
anneal (281) 0.2515351603742
anneal (285) 0.2515351603742
anneal (282) 0.2515351603742
anneal (283) 0.2515351603742
Weather (58) 0.78870314142617
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (29)
mbagrade (1)
cleveland (1)
auto_price (1)
waveform-5000 (1)
climate-model-simulation-crashes (1)
anneal (304) 0.2515351603742
anneal (306) 0.2515351603742
anneal (295) 0.2515351603742
anneal (298) 0.2515351603742
XOR (61)
anneal (297) 0.2515351603742
anneal (305) 0.2515351603742
anneal (294) 0.2515351603742
anneal (290) 0.2515351603742
anneal (300) 0.2515351603742
anneal (289) 0.2515351603742
anneal (307) 0.25762071747422
Weather (60) 0.78870314142617
Weather (59) 1.2813172094433
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (30)
anneal (299) 0.2515351603742
XOR (62)
anneal (301) 0.2515351603742
anneal (302) 0.2515351603742
segment (1)
abalone (1) 1.5815100477525
MiceProtein (1) 3.2679509685803
detroit (1)
anneal (319) 0.2515351603742
anneal (316) 0.2515351603742
anneal (318) 0.2515351603742
anneal (321) 0.2515351603742
anneal (320) 0.2515351603742
anneal (317) 0.2515351603742
anneal (309) 0.2515351603742
anneal (314) 0.25762071747422
Weather (62) 0.78870314142617
XOR (63)
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (31)
XOR (64)
anneal (311) 0.2515351603742
anneal (312) 0.2515351603742
anneal (310) 0.2515351603742
anneal (308) 0.2515351603742
anneal (315) 0.2515351603742
Weather (61) 1.2813172094433
UNIX_user_data (1)
autoMpg (1)
lowbwt (1)
longley (1)
anneal (328) 0.2515351603742
anneal (324) 0.2515351603742
anneal (329) 0.2515351603742
anneal (326) 0.25762071747422
Weather (63) 1.2813172094433
Weather (64) 0.78870314142617
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (32)
anneal (323) 0.2515351603742
anneal (327) 0.2515351603742
anneal (322) 0.2515351603742
XOR (66)
XOR (65)
anneal (330) 0.2515351603742
anneal (1) 0.2515351603742
anneal (333) 0.2515351603742
anneal (332) 0.2515351603742
anneal (335) 0.2515351603742
anneal (334) 0.2515351603742
anneal (331) 0.2515351603742
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cjs (3) 4.2905355434778
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