

Second quartile (Median) of skewness among attributes of the numeric type.

Value per dataset

cardiotocography (1) 1.6573392037918
adult (2) 0.99823609756762
triazines (1) 2.5708210107827
anneal (8) 1.6547313364026
anneal (4) 1.6547313364026
anneal (2) 1.6547313364026
XOR (1) 0
Weather (1) 0.093895435970685
web_questionsQA (1)
anneal (6) 1.6547313364026
anneal (7) 1.6547313364026
Weather (2) 0.093895435970685
TEST9e3886e694-XOR (1) 0
iris (2) 0.10495719724642
anneal (12) 1.6547313364026
anneal (14) 0.25433458793988
TESTc7ba0dcb5a-XOR (1) 0
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
test (6) 0.10495719724642
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.30429030972509
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (1) 0.37810820692252
anneal (13) 1.6547313364026
TESTb633b550cf-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
test (4) 0.10495719724642
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.30429030972509
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
test (3) 0.10495719724642
test (1) 0.10495719724642
test (2) 0.10495719724642
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.30429030972509
anneal (9) 1.6547313364026
TESTaf99b42041-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.093895435970685
XOR (2) 0
test (9) 0.10495719724642
anneal (17) 1.6547313364026
nomao (1) -2.5041171086571
test (7) 0.10495719724642
TESTe216022baf-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.10495719724642
iris-challenge (1) 0.10495719724642
TEST8facacd8dc-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.10495719724642
test (10) 0.10495719724642
test (14) 0.10495719724642
test (5) 0.10495719724642
test (13) 0.10495719724642
test (12) 0.10495719724642
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (3) 1.6547313364026
anneal (23) 1.6547313364026
TEST0ea351d931-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.30429030972509
anneal (24) 1.6547313364026
anneal (18) 1.6547313364026
test (11) 0.10495719724642
test (8) 0.10495719724642
cpu_act (1) 3.9860013108552
anneal (26) 1.6547313364026
anneal (27) 1.6547313364026
mfeat-factors (1) -0.014119361298267
anneal (39) 1.6547313364026
anneal (43) 1.6547313364026
detroit (1) 0.27766822843268
anneal (63) 1.6547313364026
test (16) 0.10495719724642
TEST840571e677-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
anneal (58) 1.6547313364026
Weather (6) 0.093895435970685
anneal (62) 1.6547313364026
anneal (30) 1.6547313364026
test (24) 0.10495719724642
test (20) 0.10495719724642
anneal (66) 1.6547313364026
anneal (34) 1.6547313364026
anneal (38) 1.6547313364026
anneal (41) 1.6547313364026
Weather (3) 0.093895435970685
XOR (4) 0
Weather (4) 0.093895435970685
Weather (8) 0.093895435970685
test (19) 0.10495719724642
test (21) 0.10495719724642
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (3) 0.37810820692252
XOR (3) 0
anneal (48) 1.6547313364026
XOR (6) 0
test (27) 0.10495719724642
XOR (5) 0
bolts (1) 0
spambase (1) 9.7248475299783
anneal (49) 1.6547313364026
test (33) 0.10495719724642
anneal (32) 1.6547313364026
anneal (45) 1.6547313364026
anneal (16) 1.6547313364026
anneal (57) 1.6547313364026
Weather (5) 0.093895435970685
test (26) 0.10495719724642
XOR (7) 0
test (36) 0.10495719724642
test (23) 0.10495719724642
anneal (59) 1.6547313364026
test (28) 0.10495719724642
anneal (42) 1.6547313364026
anneal (33) 1.6547313364026
test (15) 0.10495719724642
anneal (37) 1.6547313364026
anneal (53) 1.6547313364026
anneal (25) 1.6547313364026
anneal (56) 1.6547313364026
test (39) 0.10495719724642
TEST2fe1e97c97-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.30429030972509
test (35) 0.10495719724642
test (29) 0.10495719724642
test (31) 0.10495719724642
anneal (52) 1.6547313364026
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (4) 0.37810820692252
anneal (54) 1.6547313364026
Weather (7) 0.093895435970685
test (22) 0.10495719724642
test (38) 0.10495719724642
test (32) 0.10495719724642
test (18) 0.10495719724642
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (2) 0.37810820692252
wisconsin (1) 0.98923763755078
vineyard (1) -0.66078256403054
pol (1) 3.67256487881
anneal (31) 1.6547313364026
Weather (9) 0.093895435970685
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (5) 0.37810820692252
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
cnae-9 (1) 23.20554284633
one-hundred-plants-margin (1) 1.7601530954303
anneal (74) 1.6547313364026
Weather (11) 0.093895435970685
anneal (61) 1.6547313364026
test (17) 0.10495719724642
TEST22dd0ebd9b-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.093895435970685
anneal (36) 1.6547313364026
test (43) 0.10495719724642
XOR (9) 0
anneal (89) 1.6547313364026
TESTee7d03de92-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
anneal (77) 1.6547313364026
anneal (84) 1.6547313364026
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.30429030972509
XOR (10) 0
mbagrade (1) -0.057590016893579
wdbc (1) 1.4175537695584
sleep (1) 1.1815182423966
analcatdata_dmft (1)
blood-transfusion-service-center (1) 2.5458645034443
autoMpg (1) 0.53106251259946
autoPrice (1) 0.75785049064461
quake (1) 0.67207531961447
pharynx (1) 0.51651983116184
pbc (1) 2.2232761541097
synthetic_control (1) 0.0018653072294718
bank-marketing (1) 3.1443180994234
LED-display-domain-7digit (1) -0.72525457650894
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.30429030972509
anneal (95) 1.6547313364026
anneal (80) 1.6547313364026
test (40) 0.10495719724642
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.30429030972509
TEST398fcda80b-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.093895435970685
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
Weather (10) 0.093895435970685
test (41) 0.10495719724642
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
test (49) 0.10495719724642
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (6) 0.37810820692252
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
TEST5705382a07-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.10495719724642
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.30429030972509
XOR (14) 0
XOR (11) 0
anneal (94) 1.6547313364026
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.30429030972509
anneal (83) 1.6547313364026
TEST2fb3e3c09b-XOR (1) 0
anneal (101) 1.6547313364026
anneal (92) 1.6547313364026
anneal (75) 1.6547313364026
XOR (8) 0
Weather (14) 0.093895435970685
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
test (42) 0.10495719724642
test (30) 0.10495719724642
XOR (13) 0
anneal (103) 1.6547313364026
Weather (12) 0.093895435970685
anneal (90) 1.6547313364026
anneal (73) 1.6547313364026
anneal (88) 1.6547313364026
TESTe2a3b91028-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.093895435970685
TESTf7444a8ea4-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
test (47) 0.10495719724642
test (50) 0.10495719724642
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.30429030972509
anneal (98) 1.6547313364026
test (37) 0.10495719724642
anneal (86) 1.6547313364026
anneal (105) 1.6547313364026
anneal (87) 1.6547313364026
anneal (99) 1.6547313364026
test (44) 0.10495719724642
TESTcf74ef9481-XOR (1) 0
XOR (12) 0
test (51) 0.10495719724642
anneal (91) 0.25433458793988
test (46) 0.10495719724642
test (45) 0.10495719724642
test (52) 0.10495719724642
anneal (44) 1.6547313364026
anneal (79) 1.6547313364026
anneal (28) 1.6547313364026
test (48) 0.10495719724642
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.30429030972509
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
TESTdcaa77be46-XOR (1) 0
TEST8eecdebbd6-XOR (1) 0
anneal (102) 1.6547313364026
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (7) 0.37810820692252
anneal (97) 1.6547313364026
TEST2302efba1e-XOR (1) 0
anneal (72) 1.6547313364026
test (34) 0.10495719724642
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
Weather (13) 0.093895435970685
TESTc09922bc0f-XOR (1) 0
test (25) 0.10495719724642
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.30429030972509
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.30429030972509
satimage (1) -0.039974982801916
GesturePhaseSegmentationProcessed (1) 0.25109381677438
cylinder-bands (2) 0.4152062460529
diabetes_numeric (1) -0.51094063453029
qsar-biodeg (1) 2.6154182195603
wilt (1) 2.5048628383485
monks-problems-1 (1)
har (1) 0.86902854906397
semeion (1) 0.74865785912627
Australian (3) 0.38099919060115
pc1 (1) 7.4283314612574
waveform-5000 (1) 0.016415358784205
anneal (11) 1.6547313364026
analcatdata_authorship (1) 1.0322539044598
Click_prediction_small (5) 1.7779114929507
anneal (106) 1.6547313364026
anneal (115) 1.6547313364026
XOR (18) 0
anneal (116) 0.25433458793988
anneal (113) 1.6547313364026
anneal (107) 1.6547313364026
balance-scale (1) 0
mfeat-zernike (1) 0.74159289086787
Bioresponse (1) 6.2773258767326
kr-vs-kp (1)
lowbwt (1) 0.72218343564106
anneal (82) 1.6547313364026
anneal (114) 1.6547313364026
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (9) 0.37810820692252
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (8) 0.37810820692252
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (10) 0.37810820692252
credit-a (1) 2.80766165468
phoneme (1) 0.48423100069001
sick (1) 1.5381528946217
gas-drift (1) 1.2954661137029
mfeat-fourier (1) 0.55422816755231
anneal (119) 1.6547313364026
anneal (118) 1.6547313364026
XOR (21) 0
Weather (17) 0.093895435970685
Weather (21) 0.093895435970685
XOR (23) 0
XOR (19) 0
XOR (17) 0
XOR (16) 0
XOR (24) 0
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (11) 0.37810820692252
profb (1) 0.41560607715943
pc4 (1) 5.7109909524983
climate-model-simulation-crashes (1) -4.7404823976444E-7
Amazon_employee_access (1)
ozone-level-8hr (1) 0.047149411926926
optdigits (1) 0.55994511571399
pendigits (1) 0.086459471626971
tic-tac-toe (1)
vehicle (1) 0.49824273394603
car (1)
abalone (1) 0.59185215141551
cjs (3) 0.71955856113884
kin8nm (1) 0.0042010336705221
delta_elevators (1) -0.058976735261626
JapaneseVowels (1) 0.074698864959677
MiceProtein (1) 0.45894985524933
dresses-sales (2) -1.1647649580554
anneal (108) 1.6547313364026
irish (1) 0.18305241588219
gina_agnostic (1) 1.5901640792498
artificial-characters (1) 0.71066092449367
wall-robot-navigation (1) 1.1760736714535
cloud (1) 1.5357611074628
mushroom (1)
steel-plates-fault (1) 0.85142225062846
UNIX_user_data (1) 1.2444913076547
vowel (2) 0.060133853139576
letter (1) 0.25433458793988
anneal (141) 1.6547313364026
Weather (18) 0.093895435970685
anneal (147) 1.6547313364026
anneal (136) 1.6547313364026
anneal (135) 1.6547313364026
anneal (122) 1.6547313364026
XOR (22) 0
Weather (22) 0.093895435970685
anneal (112) 1.6547313364026
XOR (29) 0
anneal (128) 1.6547313364026
anneal (139) 1.6547313364026
XOR (27) 0
eucalyptus (1) 0.11119478923131
pc3 (1) 9.7774715387692
hill-valley (1) 2.9976159790121
PhishingWebsites (1)
segment (1) 1.3027814412574
electricity (1) 0.15953289790482
mfeat-morphological (1) 0.62453315461937
one-hundred-plants-shape (1) 1.711527909707
micro-mass (2) 11.520552318738
auto_price (1) 0.78203542810956
cholesterol (1) 1.0584956067826
texture (1) 0.027156539944742
fourclass_scale (1) 0.066803538815582
breast-w (1) 1.2331365579617
credit-g (1) 1.0941841715555
musk (1) 0.09630208804438
soybean (1)
scene (1) 1.3422901934594
monks-problems-2 (1)
sylva_agnostic (1) 6.2410240092732
MagicTelescope (1) 0.58579153987437
ilpd (1) 3.2124028620877
anneal (151) 1.6547313364026
anneal (132) 1.6547313364026
anneal (156) 1.6547313364026
anneal (134) 1.6547313364026
anneal (149) 1.6547313364026
Weather (16) 0.093895435970685
Weather (15) 0.093895435970685
Weather (27) 0.093895435970685
anneal (126) 1.6547313364026
anneal (167) 1.6547313364026
anneal (127) 1.6547313364026
anneal (131) 1.6547313364026
anneal (124) 1.6547313364026
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (15) 0.37810820692252
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (14) 0.37810820692252
anneal (143) 1.6547313364026
anneal (121) 1.6547313364026
anneal (146) 1.6547313364026
anneal (158) 1.6547313364026
anneal (120) 1.6547313364026
anneal (117) 1.6547313364026
Weather (24) 0.093895435970685
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (12) 0.37810820692252
XOR (31) 0
anneal (150) 1.6547313364026
XOR (32) 0
Weather (23) 0.093895435970685
anneal (160) 1.6547313364026
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (17) 0.37810820692252
anneal (155) 1.6547313364026
Weather (30) 0.093895435970685
anneal (110) 1.6547313364026
anneal (173) 1.6547313364026
Weather (20) 0.093895435970685
TEST569e152152-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
XOR (33) 0
Weather (26) 0.093895435970685
Weather (28) 0.093895435970685
XOR (15) 0
anneal (137) 1.6547313364026
Weather (19) 0.093895435970685
anneal (144) 1.6547313364026
XOR (25) 0
anneal (166) 1.6547313364026
XOR (30) 0
anneal (159) 1.6547313364026
anneal (161) 1.6547313364026
anneal (154) 1.6547313364026
anneal (125) 1.6547313364026
Weather (31) 0.093895435970685
Weather (34) 0.093895435970685
anneal (168) 1.6547313364026
anneal (172) 1.6547313364026
anneal (140) 1.6547313364026
anneal (129) 1.6547313364026
anneal (174) 1.6547313364026
XOR (20) 0
Weather (25) 0.093895435970685
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (16) 0.37810820692252
XOR (34) 0
XOR (28) 0
anneal (162) 1.6547313364026
anneal (109) 1.6547313364026
anneal (171) 1.6547313364026
anneal (164) 1.6547313364026
anneal (145) 1.6547313364026
anneal (123) 1.6547313364026
Weather (33) 0.093895435970685
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (13) 0.37810820692252
XOR (26) 0
anneal (152) 1.6547313364026
anneal (169) 1.6547313364026
anneal (142) 1.6547313364026
Weather (29) 0.093895435970685
Weather (32) 0.093895435970685
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.30429030972509
anneal (175) 1.6547313364026
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
anneal (177) 1.6547313364026
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (178) 0.25433458793988
TEST9d96ec7ade-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.10495719724642
anneal (180) 1.6547313364026
TESTcf61db30f6-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
anneal (176) 1.6547313364026
anneal (181) 1.6547313364026
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.30429030972509
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
TESTada3067c77-XOR (1) 0
TESTf112d7f8be-XOR (1) 0
TEST9ecb165245-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.10495719724642
anneal (179) 1.6547313364026
TESTaebada2a36-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.093895435970685
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.017586307130153
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.30429030972509
anneal (182) 1.6547313364026
anneal (183) 1.6547313364026
anneal (184) 1.6547313364026
mfeat-pixel (1)
cmc (1) 0.67773157579399
ada_agnostic (1) 3.4073764027269
jm1 (1) 13.648072779326
first-order-theorem-proving (1) 3.142627990884
madelon (1) 0.03326610912718
one-hundred-plants-texture (1) 2.8558125829938
cleveland (1) 1.0584956067826
fruitfly (1) -0.011618715414205
mfeat-karhunen (1) -0.020815908469465
monks-problems-3 (1)
kc1 (1) 3.7371013785571
banknote-authentication (1) -0.27174558770619
tamilnadu-electricity (1) -0.0047069108027838
splice (1)
isolet (1) -0.086743433831547
mozilla4 (1) 0.67566720495435
iris (1) 0.10495719724642
longley (1) 0
anneal (1) 1.6547313364026
diabetes (1) 0.53771374047188
eeg-eye-state (1) 84.611132008778
collins (1) 0.87299278531215
kc2 (1) 10.083296475235
anneal (185) 1.6547313364026
Weather (35) 0.093895435970685
anneal (190) 1.6547313364026
anneal (187) 1.6547313364026
anneal (192) 1.6547313364026
anneal (191) 1.6547313364026
Weather (36) 0.093895435970685
XOR (36) 0
XOR (35) 0
anneal (189) 1.6547313364026
anneal (186) 1.6547313364026
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (18) 0.37810820692252