

Third quartile of skewness among attributes of the numeric type.

Value per dataset

cardiotocography (1) 3.9202873713193
adult (2) 6.4010213924528
triazines (1) 5.3377949177653
anneal (8) 3.7546438249219
anneal (4) 3.7546438249219
anneal (2) 3.7546438249219
XOR (1) 0
Weather (1) 0.36899864486967
web_questionsQA (1)
anneal (6) 3.7546438249219
anneal (7) 3.7546438249219
Weather (2) 0.36899864486967
TEST9e3886e694-XOR (1) 0
iris (2) 0.32926723578831
anneal (12) 3.7546438249219
anneal (14) 0.65337800262764
TESTc7ba0dcb5a-XOR (1) 0
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
test (6) 0.32926723578831
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.60858061945018
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (1) 0.59814848791105
anneal (13) 3.7546438249219
TESTb633b550cf-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
test (4) 0.32926723578831
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.60858061945018
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
test (3) 0.32926723578831
test (1) 0.32926723578831
test (2) 0.32926723578831
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.60858061945018
anneal (9) 3.7546438249219
TESTaf99b42041-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.36899864486967
XOR (2) 2
test (9) 0.32926723578831
anneal (17) 3.7546438249219
nomao (1) -0.82894159584757
test (7) 0.32926723578831
TESTe216022baf-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.32926723578831
iris-challenge (1) 0.32926723578831
TEST8facacd8dc-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.32926723578831
test (10) 0.32926723578831
test (14) 0.32926723578831
test (5) 0.32926723578831
test (13) 0.32926723578831
test (12) 0.32926723578831
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (3) 3.7546438249219
anneal (23) 3.7546438249219
TEST0ea351d931-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.60858061945018
anneal (24) 3.7546438249219
anneal (18) 3.7546438249219
test (11) 0.32926723578831
test (8) 0.32926723578831
cpu_act (1) 5.5479532578553
anneal (26) 3.7546438249219
anneal (27) 3.7546438249219
mfeat-factors (1) 0.36651259782511
anneal (39) 3.7546438249219
anneal (43) 3.7546438249219
detroit (1) 0.8309826158737
anneal (63) 3.7546438249219
test (16) 0.32926723578831
TEST840571e677-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
anneal (58) 3.7546438249219
Weather (6) 0.36899864486967
anneal (62) 3.7546438249219
anneal (30) 3.7546438249219
test (24) 0.32926723578831
test (20) 0.32926723578831
anneal (66) 3.7546438249219
anneal (34) 3.7546438249219
anneal (38) 3.7546438249219
anneal (41) 3.7546438249219
Weather (3) 0.36899864486967
XOR (4) 2
Weather (4) 0.36899864486967
Weather (8) 0.36899864486967
test (19) 0.32926723578831
test (21) 0.32926723578831
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (3) 0.59814848791105
XOR (3) 0
anneal (48) 3.7546438249219
XOR (6) 2
test (27) 0.32926723578831
XOR (5) 0
bolts (1) 0.82648019180266
spambase (1) 13.646188094981
anneal (49) 3.7546438249219
test (33) 0.32926723578831
anneal (32) 3.7546438249219
anneal (45) 3.7546438249219
anneal (16) 3.7546438249219
anneal (57) 3.7546438249219
Weather (5) 0.36899864486967
test (26) 0.32926723578831
XOR (7) 0
test (36) 0.32926723578831
test (23) 0.32926723578831
anneal (59) 3.7546438249219
test (28) 0.32926723578831
anneal (42) 3.7546438249219
anneal (33) 3.7546438249219
test (15) 0.32926723578831
anneal (37) 3.7546438249219
anneal (53) 3.7546438249219
anneal (25) 3.7546438249219
anneal (56) 3.7546438249219
test (39) 0.32926723578831
TEST2fe1e97c97-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.60858061945018
test (35) 0.32926723578831
test (29) 0.32926723578831
test (31) 0.32926723578831
anneal (52) 3.7546438249219
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (4) 0.59814848791105
anneal (54) 3.7546438249219
Weather (7) 0.36899864486967
test (22) 0.32926723578831
test (38) 0.32926723578831
test (32) 0.32926723578831
test (18) 0.32926723578831
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (2) 0.59814848791105
wisconsin (1) 1.5884070037569
vineyard (1) 0.26967334721265
pol (1) 7.7818856811033
anneal (31) 3.7546438249219
Weather (9) 0.36899864486967
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (5) 0.59814848791105
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
cnae-9 (1) 32.863353450311
one-hundred-plants-margin (1) 2.7222833333196
anneal (74) 3.7546438249219
Weather (11) 0.36899864486967
anneal (61) 3.7546438249219
test (17) 0.32926723578831
TEST22dd0ebd9b-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.36899864486967
anneal (36) 3.7546438249219
test (43) 0.32926723578831
XOR (9) 0
anneal (89) 3.7546438249219
TESTee7d03de92-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
anneal (77) 3.7546438249219
anneal (84) 3.7546438249219
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.60858061945018
XOR (10) 2
mbagrade (1) 0.053011366895483
wdbc (1) 1.9754487571154
sleep (1) 4.3071319690313
analcatdata_dmft (1)
blood-transfusion-service-center (1) 3.2112654741849
autoMpg (1) 0.90348572335273
autoPrice (1) 0.91680000675092
quake (1) 2.7815207606211
pharynx (1) 1.0597484428592
pbc (1) 2.7176107087404
synthetic_control (1) 0.07697924382588
bank-marketing (1) 8.3603083261656
LED-display-domain-7digit (1) -0.36707981414182
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.60858061945018
anneal (95) 3.7546438249219
anneal (80) 3.7546438249219
test (40) 0.32926723578831
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.60858061945018
TEST398fcda80b-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.36899864486967
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
Weather (10) 0.36899864486967
test (41) 0.32926723578831
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
test (49) 0.32926723578831
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (6) 0.59814848791105
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
TEST5705382a07-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.32926723578831
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.60858061945018
XOR (14) 2
XOR (11) 0
anneal (94) 3.7546438249219
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.60858061945018
anneal (83) 3.7546438249219
TEST2fb3e3c09b-XOR (1) 0
anneal (101) 3.7546438249219
anneal (92) 3.7546438249219
anneal (75) 3.7546438249219
XOR (8) 2
Weather (14) 0.36899864486967
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
test (42) 0.32926723578831
test (30) 0.32926723578831
XOR (13) 0
anneal (103) 3.7546438249219
Weather (12) 0.36899864486967
anneal (90) 3.7546438249219
anneal (73) 3.7546438249219
anneal (88) 3.7546438249219
TESTe2a3b91028-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.36899864486967
TESTf7444a8ea4-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
test (47) 0.32926723578831
test (50) 0.32926723578831
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.60858061945018
anneal (98) 3.7546438249219
test (37) 0.32926723578831
anneal (86) 3.7546438249219
anneal (105) 3.7546438249219
anneal (87) 3.7546438249219
anneal (99) 3.7546438249219
test (44) 0.32926723578831
TESTcf74ef9481-XOR (1) 0
XOR (12) 2
test (51) 0.32926723578831
anneal (91) 0.65337800262764
test (46) 0.32926723578831
test (45) 0.32926723578831
test (52) 0.32926723578831
anneal (44) 3.7546438249219
anneal (79) 3.7546438249219
anneal (28) 3.7546438249219
test (48) 0.32926723578831
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.60858061945018
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
TESTdcaa77be46-XOR (1) 0
TEST8eecdebbd6-XOR (1) 0
anneal (102) 3.7546438249219
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (7) 0.59814848791105
anneal (97) 3.7546438249219
TEST2302efba1e-XOR (1) 0
anneal (72) 3.7546438249219
test (34) 0.32926723578831
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
Weather (13) 0.36899864486967
TESTc09922bc0f-XOR (1) 0
test (25) 0.32926723578831
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.60858061945018
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.60858061945018
satimage (1) 0.67444582734854
GesturePhaseSegmentationProcessed (1) 2.3728794681232
cylinder-bands (2) 1.3062309747712
diabetes_numeric (1) -0.23448445693341
qsar-biodeg (1) 5.7130139613719
wilt (1) 7.4639632551085
monks-problems-1 (1)
har (1) 2.4159847535643
semeion (1) 1.1025394278532
Australian (3) 2.7852666666708
pc1 (1) 8.4166512080401
waveform-5000 (1) 0.084593252013382
anneal (11) 3.7546438249219
analcatdata_authorship (1) 1.3397345797434
Click_prediction_small (5) 5.5237726222324
anneal (106) 3.7546438249219
anneal (115) 3.7546438249219
XOR (18) 2
anneal (116) 0.65337800262764
anneal (113) 3.7546438249219
anneal (107) 3.7546438249219
balance-scale (1) 0
mfeat-zernike (1) 1.2548334728306
Bioresponse (1) 10.53130005712
kr-vs-kp (1)
lowbwt (1) 1.402006797565
anneal (82) 3.7546438249219
anneal (114) 3.7546438249219
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (9) 0.59814848791105
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (8) 0.59814848791105
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (10) 0.59814848791105
credit-a (1) 7.1495536466958
phoneme (1) 1.3636642644777
sick (1) 4.9375240389256
gas-drift (1) 2.5410756541344
mfeat-fourier (1) 0.7107847694792
anneal (119) 3.7546438249219
anneal (118) 3.7546438249219
XOR (21) 0
Weather (17) 0.36899864486967
Weather (21) 0.36899864486967
XOR (23) 0
XOR (19) 0
XOR (17) 0
XOR (16) 2
XOR (24) 2
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (11) 0.59814848791105
profb (1) 0.64816496960998
pc4 (1) 9.4882619324992
climate-model-simulation-crashes (1) 0.0002243236886818
Amazon_employee_access (1)
ozone-level-8hr (1) 0.51164872974269
optdigits (1) 4.0666119739713
pendigits (1) 0.44735729477907
tic-tac-toe (1)
vehicle (1) 0.78930313631191
car (1)
abalone (1) 0.71909792176127
cjs (3) 1.9935698737932
kin8nm (1) 0.0082992932735115
delta_elevators (1) 0.10836966060198
JapaneseVowels (1) 0.24105325411654
MiceProtein (1) 0.97426972420649
dresses-sales (2) -1.1647649580554
anneal (108) 3.7546438249219
irish (1) 0.44614225860054
gina_agnostic (1) 4.245759582417
artificial-characters (1) 0.79493296099781
wall-robot-navigation (1) 2.5364207592299
cloud (1) 2.1377044526873
mushroom (1)
steel-plates-fault (1) 2.937593229306
UNIX_user_data (1) 1.2444913076547
vowel (2) 0.2506229077544
letter (1) 0.65337800262764
anneal (141) 3.7546438249219
Weather (18) 0.36899864486967
anneal (147) 3.7546438249219
anneal (136) 3.7546438249219
anneal (135) 3.7546438249219
anneal (122) 3.7546438249219
XOR (22) 2
Weather (22) 0.36899864486967
anneal (112) 3.7546438249219
XOR (29) 0
anneal (128) 3.7546438249219
anneal (139) 3.7546438249219
XOR (27) 0
eucalyptus (1) 0.95489480088785
pc3 (1) 16.299723810564
hill-valley (1) 3.0343913226515
PhishingWebsites (1)
segment (1) 5.3669545064094
electricity (1) 9.0732615553612
mfeat-morphological (1) 0.76765811341913
one-hundred-plants-shape (1) 2.0143416144405
micro-mass (2) 16.905489092611
auto_price (1) 0.91684582360328
cholesterol (1) 1.1893521054154
texture (1) 0.51889384650048
fourclass_scale (1) 0.60185622794756
breast-w (1) 1.6183199462985
credit-g (1) 1.9094447212975
musk (1) 0.65976316520665
soybean (1)
scene (1) 2.4544702342258
monks-problems-2 (1)
sylva_agnostic (1) 16.63231634427
MagicTelescope (1) 1.1600434591487
ilpd (1) 5.7283329615835
anneal (151) 3.7546438249219
anneal (132) 3.7546438249219
anneal (156) 3.7546438249219
anneal (134) 3.7546438249219
anneal (149) 3.7546438249219
Weather (16) 0.36899864486967
Weather (15) 0.36899864486967
Weather (27) 0.36899864486967
anneal (126) 3.7546438249219
anneal (167) 3.7546438249219
anneal (127) 3.7546438249219
anneal (131) 3.7546438249219
anneal (124) 3.7546438249219
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (15) 0.59814848791105
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (14) 0.59814848791105
anneal (143) 3.7546438249219
anneal (121) 3.7546438249219
anneal (146) 3.7546438249219
anneal (158) 3.7546438249219
anneal (120) 3.7546438249219
anneal (117) 3.7546438249219
Weather (24) 0.36899864486967
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (12) 0.59814848791105
XOR (31) 0
anneal (150) 3.7546438249219
XOR (32) 2
Weather (23) 0.36899864486967
anneal (160) 3.7546438249219
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (17) 0.59814848791105
anneal (155) 3.7546438249219
Weather (30) 0.36899864486967
anneal (110) 3.7546438249219
anneal (173) 3.7546438249219
Weather (20) 0.36899864486967
TEST569e152152-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
XOR (33) 0
Weather (26) 0.36899864486967
Weather (28) 0.36899864486967
XOR (15) 0
anneal (137) 3.7546438249219
Weather (19) 0.36899864486967
anneal (144) 3.7546438249219
XOR (25) 0
anneal (166) 3.7546438249219
XOR (30) 2
anneal (159) 3.7546438249219
anneal (161) 3.7546438249219
anneal (154) 3.7546438249219
anneal (125) 3.7546438249219
Weather (31) 0.36899864486967
Weather (34) 0.36899864486967
anneal (168) 3.7546438249219
anneal (172) 3.7546438249219
anneal (140) 3.7546438249219
anneal (129) 3.7546438249219
anneal (174) 3.7546438249219
XOR (20) 2
Weather (25) 0.36899864486967
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (16) 0.59814848791105
XOR (34) 2
XOR (28) 2
anneal (162) 3.7546438249219
anneal (109) 3.7546438249219
anneal (171) 3.7546438249219
anneal (164) 3.7546438249219
anneal (145) 3.7546438249219
anneal (123) 3.7546438249219
Weather (33) 0.36899864486967
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (13) 0.59814848791105
XOR (26) 2
anneal (152) 3.7546438249219
anneal (169) 3.7546438249219
anneal (142) 3.7546438249219
Weather (29) 0.36899864486967
Weather (32) 0.36899864486967
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0.60858061945018
anneal (175) 3.7546438249219
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) 0
anneal (177) 3.7546438249219
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (3)
anneal (178) 0.65337800262764
TEST9d96ec7ade-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.32926723578831
anneal (180) 3.7546438249219
TESTcf61db30f6-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
anneal (176) 3.7546438249219
anneal (181) 3.7546438249219
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (4) 0.60858061945018
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (3) 0.60858061945018
TESTada3067c77-XOR (1) 0
TESTf112d7f8be-XOR (1) 0
TEST9ecb165245-UploadTestWithURL (1) 0.32926723578831
anneal (179) 3.7546438249219
TESTaebada2a36-ModifiedWeather (1) 0.36899864486967
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.45097512379124
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (1) 0.60858061945018
anneal (182) 3.7546438249219
anneal (183) 3.7546438249219
anneal (184) 3.7546438249219
mfeat-pixel (1)
cmc (1) 1.0990139461061
ada_agnostic (1) 5.3196094481636
jm1 (1) 16.647450971038
first-order-theorem-proving (1) 10.454373740046
madelon (1) 0.07116066518484
one-hundred-plants-texture (1) 3.5530418447163
cleveland (1) 1.1893521054154
fruitfly (1) 1.5903052309118
mfeat-karhunen (1) 0.059176536496529
monks-problems-3 (1)
kc1 (1) 4.7064213407272
banknote-authentication (1) 0.77907948244582
tamilnadu-electricity (1) -0.0012290972276647
splice (1)
isolet (1) 0.5058540955944
mozilla4 (1) 3.5196453894031
iris (1) 0.32926723578831
longley (1) 0.17496795622772
anneal (1) 3.7546438249219
diabetes (1) 1.7223324750165
eeg-eye-state (1) 122.34170603746
collins (1) 1.6103948341787
kc2 (1) 12.276348915525
anneal (185) 3.7546438249219
Weather (35) 0.36899864486967
anneal (190) 3.7546438249219
anneal (187) 3.7546438249219
anneal (192) 3.7546438249219
anneal (191) 3.7546438249219
Weather (36) 0.36899864486967
XOR (36) 2
XOR (35) 0
anneal (189) 3.7546438249219
anneal (186) 3.7546438249219
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (18) 0.59814848791105