Third quartile of standard deviation of attributes of the numeric type.
triazines (1) | 0.22790592626802 |
anneal (8) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (4) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (2) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (1) | 10.285218242007 |
web_questionsQA (1) | |
anneal (6) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (7) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (2) | 10.285218242007 |
TEST9e3886e694-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
iris (2) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (12) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (14) | 2.5474231354919 |
TESTc7ba0dcb5a-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 0.57735026918963 |
test (6) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 1.5811388300842 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (1) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (13) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTb633b550cf-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
test (4) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
test (3) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (2) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (4) | 1.5811388300842 |
anneal (9) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTaf99b42041-ModifiedWeather (1) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (2) | 0.57735026918963 |
test (9) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (17) | 771.85904278895 |
test (7) | 1.5303318469587 |
TESTe216022baf-UploadTestWithURL (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
iris-challenge (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST8facacd8dc-UploadTestWithURL (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (10) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (14) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (5) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (13) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (12) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST51ef687b9d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | 0.54772255750517 |
TESTed4a84a4bb-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | |
anneal (3) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (23) | 771.85904278895 |
TEST0ea351d931-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
anneal (24) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (18) | 771.85904278895 |
test (11) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (8) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (26) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (27) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (39) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (43) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (63) | 771.85904278895 |
test (16) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST840571e677-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
anneal (58) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (6) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (62) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (30) | 771.85904278895 |
test (24) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (20) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (66) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (34) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (38) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (41) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (3) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (4) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (4) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (8) | 10.285218242007 |
test (19) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (21) | 1.5303318469587 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (3) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (3) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (48) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (6) | 0.57735026918963 |
test (27) | 1.5303318469587 |
XOR (5) | 0.57735026918963 |
spambase (1) | 0.84374508620484 |
anneal (49) | 771.85904278895 |
test (33) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (32) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (45) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (16) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (57) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (5) | 10.285218242007 |
test (26) | 1.5303318469587 |
XOR (7) | 0.57735026918963 |
test (36) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (23) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (59) | 771.85904278895 |
test (28) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (42) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (33) | 771.85904278895 |
test (15) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (37) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (53) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (25) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (56) | 771.85904278895 |
test (39) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST2fe1e97c97-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
test (35) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (29) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (31) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (52) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (4) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (54) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (7) | 10.285218242007 |
test (22) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (38) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (32) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (18) | 1.5303318469587 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (2) | 0.047619047619048 |
vineyard (1) | 4.3944273465804 |
pol (1) | 12.456206034581 |
anneal (31) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (9) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (5) | 0.047619047619048 |
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
anneal (74) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (11) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (61) | 771.85904278895 |
test (17) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST22dd0ebd9b-ModifiedWeather (1) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (36) | 771.85904278895 |
test (43) | 1.5303318469587 |
XOR (9) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (89) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTee7d03de92-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
anneal (77) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (84) | 771.85904278895 |
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
XOR (10) | 0.57735026918963 |
blood-transfusion-service-center (1) | 1100.9642641715 |
autoMpg (1) | 475.55580618426 |
autoPrice (1) | 34.418109083794 |
quake (1) | 118.27363485173 |
pbc (1) | 231.94454503787 |
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
anneal (95) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (80) | 771.85904278895 |
test (40) | 1.5303318469587 |
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 1.5811388300842 |
TEST398fcda80b-ModifiedWeather (1) | 10.285218242007 |
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | |
Weather (10) | 10.285218242007 |
test (41) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | 0.54772255750517 |
test (49) | 1.5303318469587 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (6) | 0.047619047619048 |
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | 0.54772255750517 |
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | 0.54772255750517 |
TEST5705382a07-UploadTestWithURL (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 0.57735026918963 |
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 1.5811388300842 |
XOR (14) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (11) | 0.57735026918963 |
TEST5f1dfbd75d-pandas_testing_dataset (4) | 1.5811388300842 |
anneal (83) | 771.85904278895 |
TEST2fb3e3c09b-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (101) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (92) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (75) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (8) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (14) | 10.285218242007 |
TESTccda34c750-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | |
test (42) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (30) | 1.5303318469587 |
XOR (13) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (103) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (12) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (90) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (73) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (88) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTe2a3b91028-ModifiedWeather (1) | 10.285218242007 |
TESTf7444a8ea4-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | |
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | |
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 0.57735026918963 |
test (47) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (50) | 1.5303318469587 |
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
anneal (98) | 771.85904278895 |
test (37) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (86) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (105) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (87) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (99) | 771.85904278895 |
test (44) | 1.5303318469587 |
TESTcf74ef9481-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (12) | 0.57735026918963 |
test (51) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (91) | 2.5474231354919 |
test (46) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (45) | 1.5303318469587 |
test (52) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (44) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (79) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (28) | 771.85904278895 |
test (48) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST7e318eb969-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
TESTda410c34dc-pandas_testing_dataset (4) | 1.5811388300842 |
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 0.57735026918963 |
TESTdcaa77be46-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
TEST8eecdebbd6-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (102) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (7) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (97) | 771.85904278895 |
TEST2302efba1e-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (72) | 771.85904278895 |
test (34) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST07c2b360c0-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
Weather (13) | 10.285218242007 |
TESTc09922bc0f-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
test (25) | 1.5303318469587 |
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 1.5811388300842 |
TEST76d8cfa095-pandas_testing_dataset (4) | 1.5811388300842 |
cylinder-bands (2) | 8.3025733236364 |
anneal (11) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (106) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (115) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (18) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (116) | 2.5474231354919 |
anneal (113) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (107) | 771.85904278895 |
mfeat-zernike (1) | 65.211344865688 |
lowbwt (1) | 729.02241686013 |
anneal (82) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (114) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (9) | 0.047619047619048 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (8) | 0.047619047619048 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (10) | 0.047619047619048 |
credit-a (1) | 1432.8807257446 |
anneal (119) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (118) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (21) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (17) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (21) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (23) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (19) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (17) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (16) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (24) | 0.57735026918963 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (11) | 0.047619047619048 |
profb (1) | 9.6191600238848 |
climate-model-simulation-crashes (1) | 0.2890534922763 |
pendigits (1) | 34.227219367991 |
tic-tac-toe (1) | |
abalone (1) | 0.22196294903322 |
anneal (108) | 771.85904278895 |
artificial-characters (1) | 13.100118877868 |
cloud (1) | 1.5826281803811 |
mushroom (1) | |
anneal (141) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (18) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (147) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (136) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (135) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (122) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (22) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (22) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (112) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (29) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (128) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (139) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (27) | 0.57735026918963 |
PhishingWebsites (1) | |
cholesterol (1) | 22.87500327698 |
texture (1) | 0.25351127147986 |
fourclass_scale (1) | 0.9582756799133 |
credit-g (1) | 12.058814452756 |
anneal (151) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (132) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (156) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (134) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (149) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (16) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (15) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (27) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (126) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (167) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (127) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (131) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (124) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (15) | 0.047619047619048 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (14) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (143) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (121) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (146) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (158) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (120) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (117) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (24) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (12) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (31) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (150) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (32) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (23) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (160) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (17) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (155) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (30) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (110) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (173) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (20) | 10.285218242007 |
TEST569e152152-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (33) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (26) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (28) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (15) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (137) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (19) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (144) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (25) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (166) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (30) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (159) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (161) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (154) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (125) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (31) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (34) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (168) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (172) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (140) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (129) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (174) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (20) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (25) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (16) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (34) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (28) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (162) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (109) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (171) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (164) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (145) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (123) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (33) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (13) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (26) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (152) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (169) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (142) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (29) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (32) | 10.285218242007 |
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 1.5811388300842 |
anneal (175) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (177) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | |
anneal (178) | 2.5474231354919 |
TEST9d96ec7ade-UploadTestWithURL (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (180) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTcf61db30f6-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
anneal (181) | 771.85904278895 |
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (4) | 1.5811388300842 |
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | 0.54772255750517 |
TESTada3067c77-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
TESTf112d7f8be-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
TEST9ecb165245-UploadTestWithURL (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (179) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTaebada2a36-ModifiedWeather (1) | 10.285218242007 |
TESTe55d2d0c3d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
TEST63cd902071-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
anneal (182) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (183) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (184) | 771.85904278895 |
madelon (1) | 35.620715855893 |
cleveland (1) | 22.87500327698 |
mfeat-karhunen (1) | 2.661480369524 |
mozilla4 (1) | 549107.08360117 |
anneal (185) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (35) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (190) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (187) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (192) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (191) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (36) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (36) | 0.57735026918963 |
bank-marketing (1) | 257.52781226517 |
musk (1) | 101.73690375107 |
sylva_agnostic (1) | 0.30095751338763 |
pc3 (1) | 43.85840094501 |
wisconsin (1) | 4.9072840129477 |
anneal (186) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (189) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (18) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (35) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (193) | 2.5474231354919 |
ModifiedWeather (1) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (37) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (38) | 0.57735026918963 |
UploadTestWithURL (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
UploadTestWithURL (2) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (195) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (198) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (194) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (201) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (38) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (39) | 0.57735026918963 |
Weather (37) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (19) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (199) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (196) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (200) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (40) | 0.57735026918963 |
UNIX_user_data (1) | 790.05450392026 |
anneal (176) | 771.85904278895 |
mfeat-fourier (1) | 0.086335201142934 |
car (1) | |
vehicle (1) | 31.682749869316 |
anneal (208) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (202) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (206) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (39) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (42) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (203) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (209) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (207) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (204) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (40) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (20) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (41) | 0.57735026918963 |
har (1) | 0.35728073685004 |
micro-mass (2) | 357114.77803678 |
detroit (1) | 148.83374880483 |
mfeat-morphological (1) | 958.16612696876 |
sick (1) | 33.718335156872 |
auto_price (1) | 35.651284566405 |
anneal (94) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (213) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (215) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (21) | 0.047619047619048 |
Weather (42) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (41) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (43) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (211) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (210) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (214) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (212) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (218) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (44) | 0.57735026918963 |
segment (1) | 43.527458022681 |
anneal (222) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (43) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (220) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (46) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (224) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (226) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (219) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (22) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (45) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (221) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (225) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (44) | 10.285218242007 |
monks-problems-1 (1) | |
irish (1) | 15.456347996431 |
gina_agnostic (1) | 108.60678169159 |
MagicTelescope (1) | 53.051604006593 |
fruitfly (1) | 17.563892580537 |
cjs (3) | 2.8908014046579 |
dresses-sales (2) | 2.0053640592222 |
balance-scale (1) | 1.4153462926807 |
optdigits (1) | 5.866371529351 |
letter (1) | 2.5474231354919 |
cmc (1) | 8.2272447554706 |
soybean (1) | |
pc1 (1) | 99.005962508672 |
banknote-authentication (1) | 5.4792925802643 |
cardiotocography (1) | 17.192813718572 |
gas-drift (1) | 24.787579044155 |
ilpd (1) | 212.77917260677 |
phoneme (1) | 1.0000000102671 |
tamilnadu-electricity (1) | 0.28930116689817 |
wilt (1) | 109.92211889587 |
mbagrade (1) | 65.41168492395 |
sleep (1) | 711.06976755128 |
vowel (2) | 0.78669280818607 |
kc1 (1) | 41.925227171213 |
wall-robot-navigation (1) | 1.4008828746199 |
steel-plates-fault (1) | 222.893505206 |
Amazon_employee_access (1) | |
nomao (1) | 0.23402423514156 |
Click_prediction_small (5) | 2978866.630052 |
anneal (234) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (23) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (244) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (50) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (228) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (237) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (242) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (231) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (47) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (45) | 10.285218242007 |
TEST08f51af3c8-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 7.7265775088327 |
TESTa365aee568-UploadTestWithURL (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
anneal (233) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (240) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (229) | 771.85904278895 |
TEST037907c164-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | |
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
TESTfd496f5b4d-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
TEST037907c164-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (47) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (48) | 0.57735026918963 |
TEST82462bce44-UploadTestWithURL (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
XOR (49) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (241) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (227) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (236) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (4) | 1.5811388300842 |
Weather (46) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (48) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (235) | 2.5474231354919 |
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (2) | 1.5811388300842 |
TESTa540f38c2d-pandas_testing_dataset (3) | 0.54772255750517 |
anneal (238) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (24) | 0.047619047619048 |
GermanCreditModified (1) | 150.43912527425 |
GermanCreditModified (3) | 150.43912527425 |
GermanCreditModified (2) | 150.43912527425 |
TEST062fea70c5-XOR (1) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (249) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (50) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (246) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (251) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (252) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (247) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (245) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (51) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (250) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (49) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (25) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (52) | 0.57735026918963 |
pc4 (1) | 26.373775044951 |
first-order-theorem-proving (1) | 1.0036680416341 |
one-hundred-plants-texture (1) | 0.032757620886633 |
pharynx (1) | 418.71780593198 |
Australian (3) | 0.94876359761767 |
waveform-5000 (1) | 1.6570866923838 |
monks-problems-2 (1) | |
JapaneseVowels (1) | 0.41269642879279 |
anneal (232) | 771.85904278895 |
monks-problems-3 (1) | |
analcatdata_authorship (1) | 6.2079341685674 |
mfeat-factors (1) | 91.596871264285 |
breast-w (1) | 3.0525465017835 |
electricity (1) | 0.29475638280389 |
synthetic_control (1) | 13.53154523231 |
analcatdata_dmft (1) | |
jm1 (1) | 125.93284053078 |
cnae-9 (1) | 0.074362702707124 |
bolts (1) | 27.411095526241 |
cpu_act (1) | 557.63944015229 |
delta_elevators (1) | 4.9120736331678 |
qsar-biodeg (1) | 2.0300641876894 |
GesturePhaseSegmentationProcessed (1) | 0.0087912621326336 |
one-hundred-plants-margin (1) | 0.021279227540537 |
kin8nm (1) | 0.90829895570802 |
diabetes_numeric (1) | 7.1230802624461 |
mfeat-pixel (1) | |
satimage (1) | 1.00019496904 |
anneal (253) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (255) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (257) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (260) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (52) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (26) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (258) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (54) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (254) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (259) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (51) | 10.285218242007 |
XOR (53) | 0.57735026918963 |
anneal (264) | 771.85904278895 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (27) | 0.047619047619048 |
anneal (266) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (53) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (263) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (54) | 10.285218242007 |
anneal (265) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (262) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (261) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (269) | 771.85904278895 |
XOR (56) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (55) | 0.57735026918963 |
semeion (1) | 0.48721759031158 |
wdbc (1) | 4.4340872212425 |
MiceProtein (1) | 0.23056986700196 |
LED-display-domain-7digit (1) | 0.48955421216992 |
kr-vs-kp (1) | |
eucalyptus (1) | 80.61760056258 |
ada_agnostic (1) | 0.41061381479562 |
hill-valley (1) | 18115.644855399 |
adult (2) | 31990.020649029 |
Bioresponse (1) | 0.25300250901954 |
splice (1) | |
scene (1) | 0.21041720138231 |
isolet (1) | 0.49435579122213 |
ozone-level-8hr (1) | 7.0435929076003 |
one-hundred-plants-shape (1) | 0.00033386796442244 |
anneal (271) | 771.85904278895 |
iris (1) | 1.5303318469587 |
longley (1) | 6956.1015614591 |
diabetes (1) | 28.818415439013 |
eeg-eye-state (1) | 3343.8237886273 |
collins (1) | 1.0102598415729 |
kc2 (1) | 116.69468060041 |
anneal (274) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (278) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (1) | 771.85904278895 |
TESTa16e77a23a-pandas_testing_dataset (1) | 1.5811388300842 |
anneal (275) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (272) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (276) | 771.85904278895 |
anneal (270) | 771.85904278895 |
Weather (55) | 10.285218242007 |
Weather (56) | 10.285218242007 |
Diabetes(scikit-learn) (28) | 0.047619047619048 |
XOR (58) | 0.57735026918963 |
XOR (57) | 0.57735026918963 |