{ "data_id": "11", "name": "car", "exact_name": "car", "version": 1, "version_label": "1", "description": "**Author**: \n**Source**: Unknown - \n**Please cite**: \n\n1. Title: Car Evaluation Database\n \n 2. Sources:\n (a) Creator: Marko Bohanec\n (b) Donors: Marko Bohanec (marko.bohanec@ijs.si)\n Blaz Zupan (blaz.zupan@ijs.si)\n (c) Date: June, 1997\n \n 3. Past Usage:\n \n The hierarchical decision model, from which this dataset is\n derived, was first presented in \n \n M. Bohanec and V. Rajkovic: Knowledge acquisition and explanation for\n multi-attribute decision making. In 8th Intl Workshop on Expert\n Systems and their Applications, Avignon, France. pages 59-78, 1988.\n \n Within machine-learning, this dataset was used for the evaluation\n of HINT (Hierarchy INduction Tool), which was proved to be able to\n completely reconstruct the original hierarchical model. This,\n together with a comparison with C4.5, is presented in\n \n B. Zupan, M. Bohanec, I. Bratko, J. Demsar: Machine learning by\n function decomposition. ICML-97, Nashville, TN. 1997 (to appear)\n \n 4. Relevant Information Paragraph:\n \n Car Evaluation Database was derived from a simple hierarchical\n decision model originally developed for the demonstration of DEX\n (M. Bohanec, V. Rajkovic: Expert system for decision\n making. Sistemica 1(1), pp. 145-157, 1990.). The model evaluates\n cars according to the following concept structure:\n \n CAR car acceptability\n . PRICE overall price\n . . buying buying price\n . . maint price of the maintenance\n . TECH technical characteristics\n . . COMFORT comfort\n . . . doors number of doors\n . . . persons capacity in terms of persons to carry\n . . . lug_boot the size of luggage boot\n . . safety estimated safety of the car\n \n Input attributes are printed in lowercase. Besides the target\n concept (CAR), the model includes three intermediate concepts:\n PRICE, TECH, COMFORT. Every concept is in the original model\n related to its lower level descendants by a set of examples (for\n these examples sets see http:\/\/www-ai.ijs.si\/BlazZupan\/car.html).\n \n The Car Evaluation Database contains examples with the structural\n information removed, i.e., directly relates CAR to the six input\n attributes: buying, maint, doors, persons, lug_boot, safety.\n \n Because of known underlying concept structure, this database may be\n particularly useful for testing constructive induction and\n structure discovery methods.\n \n 5. Number of Instances: 1728\n (instances completely cover the attribute space)\n \n 6. Number of Attributes: 6\n \n 7. Attribute Values:\n \n buying v-high, high, med, low\n maint v-high, high, med, low\n doors 2, 3, 4, 5-more\n persons 2, 4, more\n lug_boot small, med, big\n safety low, med, high\n \n 8. Missing Attribute Values: none\n \n 9. Class Distribution (number of instances per class)\n \n class N N[%]\n -----------------------------\n unacc 1210 (70.023 %) \n acc 384 (22.222 %) \n good 69 ( 3.993 %) \n v-good 65 ( 3.762 %) \n\n Information about the dataset\n CLASSTYPE: nominal\n CLASSINDEX: last", "format": "ARFF", "uploader": "Jan van Rijn", "uploader_id": 1, "visibility": "public", "creator": null, "contributor": null, "date": "2014-04-06 23:20:52", "update_comment": null, "last_update": "2014-04-06 23:20:52", "licence": "Public", "status": "active", "error_message": null, "url": "https:\/\/www.openml.org\/data\/download\/21\/dataset_21_car.arff", "default_target_attribute": "class", "row_id_attribute": null, "ignore_attribute": null, "runs": 0, "suggest": { "input": [ "car", "1. Title: Car Evaluation Database 2. Sources: (a) Creator: Marko Bohanec (b) Donors: Marko Bohanec (marko.bohanec@ijs.si) Blaz Zupan (blaz.zupan@ijs.si) (c) Date: June, 1997 3. Past Usage: The hierarchical decision model, from which this dataset is derived, was first presented in M. Bohanec and V. Rajkovic: Knowledge acquisition and explanation for multi-attribute decision making. In 8th Intl Workshop on Expert Systems and their Applications, Avignon, France. pages 59-78, 1988. Within machine-le " ], "weight": 5 }, "qualities": { "NumberOfInstances": 1728, "NumberOfFeatures": 7, "NumberOfClasses": 4, "NumberOfMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfInstancesWithMissingValues": 0, "NumberOfNumericFeatures": 0, "NumberOfSymbolicFeatures": 7, "AutoCorrelation": 0.5993051534452808, "CfsSubsetEval_DecisionStumpAUC": 0.9674069051181599, "CfsSubsetEval_DecisionStumpErrRate": 0.13078703703703703, "CfsSubsetEval_DecisionStumpKappa": 0.7124332587407025, "CfsSubsetEval_NaiveBayesAUC": 0.9674069051181599, "CfsSubsetEval_NaiveBayesErrRate": 0.13078703703703703, "CfsSubsetEval_NaiveBayesKappa": 0.7124332587407025, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NAUC": 0.9674069051181599, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NErrRate": 0.13078703703703703, "CfsSubsetEval_kNN1NKappa": 0.7124332587407025, "ClassEntropy": 1.2057409700121753, "DecisionStumpAUC": 0.7216223610073902, "DecisionStumpErrRate": 0.29976851851851855, "DecisionStumpKappa": 0, "Dimensionality": 0.004050925925925926, "EquivalentNumberOfAtts": 10.538249177645039, "J48.00001.AUC": 0.9674069051181599, "J48.00001.ErrRate": 0.13078703703703703, "J48.00001.Kappa": 0.7124332587407025, "J48.0001.AUC": 0.9674069051181599, "J48.0001.ErrRate": 0.13078703703703703, "J48.0001.Kappa": 0.7124332587407025, "J48.001.AUC": 0.9674069051181599, "J48.001.ErrRate": 0.13078703703703703, "J48.001.Kappa": 0.7124332587407025, "MajorityClassPercentage": 70.02314814814815, "MajorityClassSize": 1210, "MaxAttributeEntropy": 2, "MaxKurtosisOfNumericAtts": null, "MaxMeansOfNumericAtts": null, "MaxMutualInformation": 0.26218435655426, "MaxNominalAttDistinctValues": 4, "MaxSkewnessOfNumericAtts": null, "MaxStdDevOfNumericAtts": null, "MeanAttributeEntropy": 1.792481250360578, "MeanKurtosisOfNumericAtts": null, "MeanMeansOfNumericAtts": null, "MeanMutualInformation": 0.11441568230991667, "MeanNoiseToSignalRatio": 14.666394799843093, "MeanNominalAttDistinctValues": 3.5714285714285716, "MeanSkewnessOfNumericAtts": null, "MeanStdDevOfNumericAtts": null, "MinAttributeEntropy": 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