1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 2 classes - 22175 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Available at: [pdf] http://hdl.handle.net/1822/14838 [bib] http://www3.dsi.uminho.pt/pcortez/bib/2011-esm-1.txt 1. Title: Bank Marketing 2. Sources Created by: Paulo Cortez (Univ. Minho) and Sérgio…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
45211 instances - 17 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset from the MLRR repository: http://axon.cs.byu.edu:5000/
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
6598 instances - 168 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Datasets from the Agnostic Learning vs. Prior Knowledge Challenge (http://www.agnostic.inf.ethz.ch) Dataset from: http://www.agnostic.inf.ethz.ch/datasets.php Modified by TunedIT (converted to ARFF…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
14395 instances - 217 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
%-*- text -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is a PROMISE data set made publicly available in order to encourage repeatable, verifiable, refutable,…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
1563 instances - 38 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title: Wisconsin Prognostic Breast Cancer (WPBC) 2. Source Information a) Creators: Dr. William H. Wolberg, General Surgery Dept., University of Wisconsin, Clinical Sciences Center, Madison, WI…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
194 instances - 33 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
.. _diabetes_dataset: Diabetes dataset ---------------- Ten baseline variables, age, sex, body mass index, average blood pressure, and six blood serum measurements were obtained for each of n = 442…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
442 instances - 11 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Synthetic dataset created from a NumPy array
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
3 instances - 4 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
20000 instances - 17 features - 26 classes - 0 missing values
Testing dataset upload when the data is a list of lists
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 6 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
150 instances - 5 features - classes - 0 missing values
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
150 instances - 5 features - classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
.. _diabetes_dataset: Diabetes dataset ---------------- Ten baseline variables, age, sex, body mass index, average blood pressure, and six blood serum measurements were obtained for each of n = 442…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
442 instances - 11 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 2 classes - 22175 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
This file contains 9 sets of sanitized user data drawn from the command histories of 8 UNIX computer users at Purdue over the course of up to 2 years (USER0 and USER1 were generated by the same…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach10 impact
9100 instances - 3 features - 9 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
The multi-feature digit dataset ------------------------------- Oowned and donated by: ---------------------- Robert P.W. Duin Department of Applied Physics Delft University of Technology P.O. Box…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
2000 instances - 77 features - 10 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title: Car Evaluation Database 2. Sources: (a) Creator: Marko Bohanec (b) Donors: Marko Bohanec (marko.bohanec@ijs.si) Blaz Zupan (blaz.zupan@ijs.si) (c) Date: June, 1997 3. Past Usage: The…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
1728 instances - 7 features - 4 classes - 0 missing values
Donor: G. Towell, M. Noordewier, and J. Shavlik Primate splice-junction gene sequences (DNA) with associated imperfect domain theory. All examples taken from Genbank 64.1. Categories "ei" and "ie"…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
3190 instances - 61 features - 3 classes - 0 missing values
NAME vehicle silhouettes PURPOSE to classify a given silhouette as one of four types of vehicle, using a set of features extracted from the silhouette. The vehicle may be viewed from one of many…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
846 instances - 19 features - 4 classes - 0 missing values
No data.
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
45312 instances - 9 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 2 classes - 22175 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
.. _diabetes_dataset: Diabetes dataset ---------------- Ten baseline variables, age, sex, body mass index, average blood pressure, and six blood serum measurements were obtained for each of n = 442…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
442 instances - 11 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Title: Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphones Abstract: Human Activity Recognition database built from the recordings of 30 subjects performing activities of daily living (ADL) while carrying a…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
10299 instances - 562 features - 6 classes - 0 missing values
1. Source: Lee Graham (lee '@' stellaralchemy.com) Franz Oppacher (oppacher '@' scs.carleton.ca) Carleton University, Department of Computer Science Intelligent Systems Research Unit 1125 Colonel By…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
1212 instances - 101 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
* Dataset Title: MicroMass - Pure (pure spectra version) * Abstract: A dataset to explore machine learning approaches for the identification of microorganisms from mass-spectrometry data. * Source:…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
571 instances - 1301 features - 20 classes - 0 missing values
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horsepower treated as the class attribute. As used by Kilpatrick, D. & Cameron-Jones, M. (1998). Numeric prediction using…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
Data from StatLib (ftp stat.cmu.edu/datasets) This is the data set called `DETROIT' in the book `Subset selection in regression' by Alan J. Miller published in the Chapman & Hall series of monographs…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
13 instances - 14 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
The multi-feature digit dataset ------------------------------- Oowned and donated by: ---------------------- Robert P.W. Duin Department of Applied Physics Delft University of Technology P.O. Box…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
2000 instances - 7 features - 10 classes - 0 missing values
; ; Thyroid disease records supplied by the Garavan Institute and J. Ross ; Quinlan, New South Wales Institute, Syndney, Australia. ; ; 1987. ; sick, negative. | classes age: continuous. sex: M, F. on…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
3772 instances - 30 features - 2 classes - 6064 missing values
1. Title of Database: LED display domain 2. Sources: (a) Breiman,L., Friedman,J.H., Olshen,R.A., & Stone,C.J. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth International Group: Belmont,…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
500 instances - 8 features - 10 classes - 0 missing values
Scene recognition dataset Source: Matthew R. Boutell, Jiebo Luo, Xipeng Shen, and Christopher M. Brown. Learning multi-label scene classification. Pattern Recognition, 37(9):1757-1771, 2004. 1:…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
2407 instances - 300 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
This data set consists of three types of entities: (a) the specification of an auto in terms of various characteristics; (b) its assigned insurance risk rating,; (c) its normalized losses in use as…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
159 instances - 16 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
No data.
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
699 instances - 10 features - 2 classes - 16 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
.. _diabetes_dataset: Diabetes dataset ---------------- Ten baseline variables, age, sex, body mass index, average blood pressure, and six blood serum measurements were obtained for each of n = 442…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
442 instances - 11 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 2 classes - 22175 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title: Image Segmentation data 2. Source Information -- Creators: Vision Group, University of Massachusetts -- Donor: Vision Group (Carla Brodley, brodley@cs.umass.edu) -- Date: November, 1990 3.…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
2310 instances - 20 features - 7 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
.. _diabetes_dataset: Diabetes dataset ---------------- Ten baseline variables, age, sex, body mass index, average blood pressure, and six blood serum measurements were obtained for each of n = 442…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
442 instances - 11 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset representing the XOR operation
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
4 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
898 instances - 39 features - 2 classes - 22175 missing values
The weather problem is a tiny dataset that we will use repeatedly to illustrate machine learning methods. Entirely fictitious, it supposedly concerns the conditions that are suitable for playing some…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
14 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
The Monk's Problems: Problem 1 This is a merged version of the separate train and test set which are usually distributed. On OpenML this train-test split can be found as one of the possible tasks.…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
556 instances - 7 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Datasets from the Agnostic Learning vs. Prior Knowledge Challenge (http://www.agnostic.inf.ethz.ch) Dataset from: http://www.agnostic.inf.ethz.ch/datasets.php Modified by TunedIT (converted to ARFF…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
3468 instances - 971 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Dataset from the MLRR repository: http://axon.cs.byu.edu:5000/
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
19020 instances - 11 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
This dataset represents a set of possible advertisements on Internet pages. The features encode the geometry of the image (if available) as well as phrases occurring in the URL, the image's URL and…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach10 impact
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Identifier attribute deleted. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAME: Sexual activity and the lifespan of male fruitflies TYPE: Designed (almost factorial)…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
125 instances - 5 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Data on tree growth used in the Case Study published in the September, 1995 issue of the Canadian Journal of Statistics. This data set was been provided by Dr. Fernando Camacho, Ontario Hydro…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
2796 instances - 34 features - 6 classes - 68100 missing values
####1. Summary This dataset contain attributes of dresses and their recommendations according to their sales.Sales are monitor on the basis of alternate days. The attributes present analyzed are:…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
500 instances - 13 features - 2 classes - 835 missing values
This is a PROMISE data set made publicly available in order to encourage repeatable, verifiable, refutable, and/or improvable predictive models of software engineering. If you publish material based…
0 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach11 impact
10885 instances - 22 features - 2 classes - 25 missing values