Filip Wójcik

Filip Wójcik

Hello! My name is Filip Wójcik and I’m a data scientist and a programmer with specialization in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Recently I have also become a Ph.d. student at the Wroclaw University of Economics, IT in Economics Institute, faculty of Business Intelligence in Management. I’ve also graduated as a lawyer but… well… everybody makes mistakes, so let’s skip this part ???? Machine learning and matters related with data science are my hobby, professional activity and the most important research area. I believe, that I’ve found (so often discussed) balance between those main life areas. Now I try to share my passion with students and all interested people during conferences and lectures. This website was designed to be a platform to share educational materials and my research papers findings. Apart from that – I’m a happy husband, keeper of two lovely kittens and sports fanatic – starting from (so popular now) CrossFit, through martial arts (2nd Dan Aikido, self-defense instructor) ending up with mountains tourism.
Polska Joined 2020-07-31
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