

Created 12-01-2024 by Test Test Visibility: public
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1. Title of Database: LED display domain 2. Sources: (a) Breiman,L., Friedman,J.H., Olshen,R.A., & Stone,C.J. (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. Wadsworth International Group: Belmont,…
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500 instances - 8 features - 10 classes - 0 missing values
Data on tree growth used in the Case Study published in the September, 1995 issue of the Canadian Journal of Statistics. This data set was been provided by Dr. Fernando Camacho, Ontario Hydro…
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2796 instances - 34 features - 6 classes - 68100 missing values
Prediction task is to determine whether a person makes over 50K a year. Extraction was done by Barry Becker from the 1994 Census database. A set of reasonably clean records was extracted using the…
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48842 instances - 15 features - 2 classes - 6465 missing values
1. One-hundred plant species leaves data set (class = shape). 2. Sources: (a) Original owners of colour Leaves Samples: James Cope, Thibaut Beghin, Paolo Remagnino, Sarah Barman. The colour images are…
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1600 instances - 65 features - 100 classes - 0 missing values
All data is from one continuous EEG measurement with the Emotiv EEG Neuroheadset. The duration of the measurement was 117 seconds. The eye state was detected via a camera during the EEG measurement…
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14980 instances - 15 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Available at: [pdf] [bib] 1. Title: Bank Marketing 2. Sources Created by: Paulo Cortez (Univ. Minho) and Sérgio…
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45211 instances - 17 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
This dataset represents a set of possible advertisements on Internet pages. The features encode the geometry of the image (if available) as well as phrases occurring in the URL, the image's URL and…
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Datasets from ACM KDD Cup ( KDD Cup 2009 Converted to ARFF format by TunedIT Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a key element…
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analcatdata A collection of data sets used in the book "Analyzing Categorical Data," by Jeffrey S. Simonoff, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. The submission consists of a zip file containing two…
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797 instances - 5 features - 6 classes - 0 missing values
The Monk's Problems: Problem 1 This is a merged version of the separate train and test set which are usually distributed. On OpenML this train-test split can be found as one of the possible tasks.…
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556 instances - 7 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
In my work on context-sensitive learning, I used the "Deterding Vowel Recognition Data", but I found it necessary to reformulate the data. Implicit in the original data is contextual information on…
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990 instances - 13 features - 11 classes - 0 missing values
The problem is to learn a regression equation/rule/tree to predict the activity from the descriptive structural attributes. The data and methodology is described in detail in: - King, Ross .D., Hurst,…
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186 instances - 61 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horsepower treated as the class attribute. As used by Kilpatrick, D. & Cameron-Jones, M. (1998). Numeric prediction using…
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Identifier attribute deleted. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAME: Sexual activity and the lifespan of male fruitflies TYPE: Designed (almost factorial)…
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125 instances - 5 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
The Computer Activity databases are a collection of computer systems activity measures. The data was collected from a Sun Sparcstation 20/712 with 128 Mbytes of memory running in a multi-user…
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8192 instances - 22 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
The database consists of the multi-spectral values of pixels in 3x3 neighbourhoods in a satellite image, and the classification associated with the central pixel in each neighbourhood. The aim is to…
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6430 instances - 37 features - 6 classes - 0 missing values
The multi-feature digit dataset ------------------------------- Oowned and donated by: ---------------------- Robert P.W. Duin Department of Applied Physics Delft University of Technology P.O. Box…
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2000 instances - 7 features - 10 classes - 0 missing values
No data.
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699 instances - 10 features - 2 classes - 16 missing values
The multi-feature digit dataset ------------------------------- Oowned and donated by: ---------------------- Robert P.W. Duin Department of Applied Physics Delft University of Technology P.O. Box…
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2000 instances - 77 features - 10 classes - 0 missing values