

Created 12-01-2024 by Test Test Visibility: public
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Synthetic dataset created from a Pandas DataFrame
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5 instances - 4 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
Prediction task is to determine whether a person makes over 50K a year. Extraction was done by Barry Becker from the 1994 Census database. A set of reasonably clean records was extracted using the…
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48842 instances - 15 features - 2 classes - 6465 missing values
libSVM","AAD group #Dataset from the LIBSVM data repository. Preprocessing: transform to two-class
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862 instances - 3 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
Tattile Via Gaetano Donizetti, 1-3-5,25030 Mairano (Brescia), Italy. * Title: Semeion Handwritten Digit Data Set * Abstract: 1593 handwritten digits from around 80 persons were scanned, stretched in a…
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1593 instances - 257 features - 10 classes - 0 missing values
Source: James P Bridge, Sean B Holden and Lawrence C Paulson University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory William Gates Building 15 JJ Thomson Avenue Cambridge CB3 0FD UK +44 (0)1223 763500…
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6118 instances - 52 features - 6 classes - 0 missing values
Source: Owner of database: Volker Lohweg (University of Applied Sciences, Ostwestfalen-Lippe, volker.lohweg '@' Donor of database: Helene Doerksen (University of Applied Sciences,…
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1372 instances - 5 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
%-*- text -*- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% This is a PROMISE Software Engineering Repository data set made publicly available in order to encourage…
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522 instances - 22 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
analcatdata A collection of data sets used in the book "Analyzing Categorical Data," by Jeffrey S. Simonoff, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2003. The submission consists of a zip file containing two…
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797 instances - 5 features - 6 classes - 0 missing values
Irish Educational Transitions Data Below are shown data on educational transitions for a sample of 500 Irish schoolchildren aged 11 in 1967. The data were collected by Greaney and Kelleghan (1984),…
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500 instances - 6 features - 2 classes - 32 missing values
This data set consists of three types of entities: (a) the specification of an auto in terms of various characteristics; (b) its assigned insurance risk rating,; (c) its normalized losses in use as…
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159 instances - 16 features - 0 classes - 0 missing values
NAME vehicle silhouettes PURPOSE to classify a given silhouette as one of four types of vehicle, using a set of features extracted from the silhouette. The vehicle may be viewed from one of many…
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846 instances - 19 features - 4 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title: SPAM E-mail Database 2. Sources: (a) Creators: Mark Hopkins, Erik Reeber, George Forman, Jaap Suermondt Hewlett-Packard Labs, 1501 Page Mill Rd., Palo Alto, CA 94304 (b) Donor: George Forman…
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4601 instances - 58 features - 2 classes - 0 missing values
; ; Thyroid disease records supplied by the Garavan Institute and J. Ross ; Quinlan, New South Wales Institute, Syndney, Australia. ; ; 1987. ; sick, negative. | classes age: continuous. sex: M, F. on…
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3772 instances - 30 features - 2 classes - 6064 missing values
1. Title: Balance Scale Weight & Distance Database 2. Source Information: (a) Source: Generated to model psychological experiments reported by Siegler, R. S. (1976). Three Aspects of Cognitive…
40 runs0 likes0 downloads0 reach0 impact
625 instances - 5 features - 3 classes - 0 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
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898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values
1. Title of Database: Annealing Data 2. Source Information: donated by David Sterling and Wray Buntine. 3. Past Usage: unknown 4. Relevant Information: -- Explanation: I suspect this was left by Ross…
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898 instances - 39 features - 5 classes - 22175 missing values